Chapter 3 - The Darkness

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The sound of the phone ringing caught the attention of Patrick Fitzgerald, who grabbed the receiver and placed it against his (invisible) ear. "Hello?"


A tidal wave of emotions hit Patrick the moment he heard that voice. Relief, regret, concern, the list could go on. "Penny? Are you alright? Where are you?"

"Dad, I'm fine. I'm just at Gumball's house. He invited me for a 'sleepover-refuge-"

"Penny!" interrupted Patrick before he took a deep breath, remembering what happened about an hour ago. "Penny, I wanted to apologize for that little argument earlier. I was just worried and wasn't thinking, that's all. I hope you understand that"

Penny sighed. "I know, dad. And I'm sorry I used that tone when I ran out the door. I was just angry"

"Yeah, I know. I understand. Now, why are you at Gumball's place?"

"He claims it's for protection from this 'Dennis' who wants me for my powers. Apparently, I'm safer the further away from home I am"

"Penny, that is exactly why we need to isolate you. The existence of your powers means that someone will want you-"

"Dad, I know what you're gonna say, and I understand. But you need to realize that Gumball is only doing this because he loves me and cares about my safety. I know you do as well, but you shouldn't be the only one looking out for me. I'm twelve. I can make my own decisions and live my life independently. Gumball can see that, so I trust him. Why can't you?"

"I know. Just consider the safety of those around you without your shell, including Gumball. Need I remind you, you don't have complete control of your emotions and the powers connected with them"

"Dad, I'm fine. Gumball loves me for who I am, especially after I revealed my true colors. So if he feels safe around me, you shouldn't need to worry"

Patrick began his response with another sigh. He wasn't in the mood to be having a long chat over the phone at this time of the day. He was already drained from that previous, more heated conversation with Penny. Besides, he needed some time to think more about it. "I'll let you stay with him for the night, but we'll talk more about this tomorrow morning. Got it?"

"Understood. Goodnight, Dad"

"Goodnight, Penny" finished Patrick, hanging up the receiver.

As Penny left for the dinning table, she thought about that little conversation for a bit. Something about "Gumball's safety around her" and "no complete control over emotions and powers" stood out to her for some reason. But why?

A few minutes passed after dinner, Penny had already brushed her teeth and gotten ready for another night's sleep.

Wanting to spend some time with Gumball before bed, she made her way downstairs and took a seat on the couch next to the young cat, who was skimming through the television channels that was cluttered with late night programming he wasn't into.

After a few minutes of silence, Gumball began a conversation. "I don't mind sleeping on the couch, so I gave my bunk to you for the time being"

Penny knew his reasoning instantly. "Gumball, I may be your girlfriend but I'm not your queen"

"But you're still Elmore Junior High's only princess to me" Gumball cringed, immediately regretting that cheesy quote.

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