Noya's the VC?!

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*HEYO ITS BEEN AWHILE AND IM SOOOO SORRY!! I needed a break and I've been so tired lately from all my work and such! Yep! This chapter is all strictly Noya parts, since this one relates to HIS route!*

Y/n pov

"Well... there's only one obvious choice..." I said

I turned around and saw Noya walk through the door.

"Oh hey Y/n! When you'd get here?" He asked excitedly

I smiled at him.

"What? Did I do something?" He asked

Everyone was silent.

"Is this what I think it is?" Tanaka whispered to Ennoshita
"You mean..."

I looked to Asahi. Obviously he understood what I was saying.

"Noya... how would you like to be Vice Captain?" I asked

Noya's eyes went wide.

"Me? ME?! You mean it Y/n?!"

I nodded.

"YES YES YES YES! YES! I GLADLY WILL BABE!" He yelled jumping up and down

Noya was excited. He ran over and tackled me.

"YES! YES! YES! YES! I WON'T LET YOU DOWN Y/n! Not just as your boyfriend... but as your vice captain!" He beamed

Noya couldn't hold back his happiness. He nuzzled his face in my neck as we stayed on the ground, him laying on top of me, holding me close.

"I'm so glad you picked me Y/n." He muttered

After practice...

I will admit... it was weird not having Daichi anymore. I really do miss him.

"Still... I got what I've always wanted. I'm #1 now."

(Remember in my earliest chapter where I said Reader wants to either be Ace or Captain... yep this was the result.)

"Y/n!" Someone yelled

I turned around and saw Rathalos standing there.

"Oh hey Ratha! How ya been?" I asked

She smiled.

"I've been good. I could be better but... I want you to know something."
"Hm? Okay what is it?"

She sighed.

"This might be the last time we might see each other... at least for a good while."
"Wait what? Why?"

Ratha just smiled.

"I'm moving to Argentina." She said simply

"Wait what?! Why?! I promised Oikawa I would-"

"I know what you're thinking Y/n... and it's about me and what happened. It's alright. I'm fine. It'll be okay from now on."
"But what about Oikawa? I thought you two-"
"Oh sorry! I didn't explain it well did I."

There was silence.

"Tooru got a spot on the team in Argentina because his coach is leading the team now and Tooru is following him there. I'm going with him."
"Wait really?! Ratha that's awesome! I'm happy for you and Oikawa! You both deserve it!"

She just laughed.

"Y/n... did I ever say why I've been with Tooru for so long?"

I shook my head. Jay just sighed.

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