The Test

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*AHHHHH IM FINALLY BACK! Sorry this one took so long I'm currently writing too many things at once...*

The next day...

Y/n pov

"Y/n!" Someone yelled

I saw Noya running up to me as fast as he could. He must've been pretty excited for today in order for him to be this energetic.

"Y/n catch meeeeeee!" He yelled throwing himself at me

I couldn't catch him well even though I am bigger and we both landed on the ground.

"Jeez Noya you are heavy." I teased
"Ouch Y/n. Your words hurt." He said sitting up

I ruffled his spiky hair and he just giggled.

"What? You like it when people do that?"

His face dropped and turned bright red.

"Only when you smile and do it." He said

I playfully smacked his arm.

"Noya come on. We're just friends."

He looked kinda sad by my comment.

"I mean I do-"
"Y/n! Noya! What are you guys doing?!" Someone yelled

We both looked and saw Hinata standing there.

"How is your arm Y/n-Senpai?" Hinata asked

My eyes went huge.

"Did he just call you senpai?" Noya whispered

I just looked at Noya and nodded. Noya started laughing.

"Um... did I say-"

Hinata just looked at me.

"Is he okay?"
"Yeah he's fine. Hey Hinata... can I ask a favor?"
"When I show up at your practice today, so NOT tell Daichi about what we discussed and what you and Kageyama did for me."

Noya stopped laughing and looked at me. He looked to Hinata.

"You... you know? You know about-"
"Yeah... I know. Y/n was trapped in the storage room and Kageyama and I let her out. I'm just glad she wasn't hurt. How are you by the way Y/n?" He asked
"I'm doing okay. Thanks for asking Shortie."

I started to run and Noya followed me as we laughed. Hinata followed close behind while he was yelling.

"Man. Shortie can run fast."

After school...

"You excited Y/n? I am! You're doing something no one else has done before!" Noya said excitedly
"Thanks Yū. I needed that."

Noya looked at me with eyes wide and bright.

"You... you just called me... by my first name!"

He went for a hug and tried to jump on me, but was unsuccessful.

"You ready Y/n? Once you do this, you can't go back." Another voice added

I turned and saw Suga, Hinata, and Kageyama with him.

"Thanks guys. I promise I'll try my hardest."
"We believe in you Y/n!" Hinata said giving me a thumbs up
"May not look like it, but I believe in you too." Kageyama added
"Thanks you two. Thank you Suga. Thank you Noya... for believing in me."
"You got this kiddo. I believe in you so much. We'll be cheering for you!" Suga cheered

"I swear he is such a mom..."

I walked inside the gym, realizing no one else was there but Takeda, Coach Ukai, and Kiyoko. I heard the door open behind me, now with Suga, Noya, Kageyama, and Hinata walking in. I looked to Coach Ukai.

"Wait what are they doing here?!"
"Well kid. You've come this far. It's not to late to turn around." He said

I shook my head.

"No! I'm not quitting now! I'm going to do whatever it takes to make anyone and everyone realize that I am just as strong as the boys. I am going to defeat anything you throw at me Coach. I will not quit!" I yelled
"Oh yeah you tell em Y/n!" Noya cheered
"You got this!" Suga added

Coach Ukai just sighed.

"Very well. This is your test. If you can beat Hinata and Kageyama, then you're on. You'll work with Suga. Do you understand what I'm asking Sawamura?" He asked

I gulped. No one ever called me by my last name, unless they had something serious they needed to say.

"I understand just fine Coach." I said
"Alright. First years go to that side. Suga and Y/n on this side."

Few minutes later...

"Come on Y/n don't give up now! You're so close! Just 2 points away! The first years are giving up. Suga believes in you. Noya believes in you. Coach Ukai believes in you. Do it! Get those points!"

"Y/n! It's going to you!" Suga yelled

I dove for the receive, just like Noya had taught me years earlier. I slipped a little trying to get back up, but got to my feet. The game was tied, 1-1 and both teams were two points away.

"Y/n!" Suga said setting the ball again

"This time... it'll be a delayed spike."

I waited for Suga to set it perfectly, waiting for the opportunity. Then, I saw it. A perfect spike. I went to fake a jump and as soon as I had moved, Hinata and Kageyama jumped... problem was that they jumped before I did, making them landing on the ground as soon as I jumped. I met the ball perfectly with my palm and spiked it into their side. I could see the shock on everyone's face, including the coach.

"You got this Y/n!" Kiyoko added
"I believe in you." Suga said as I landed on the ground next to him.

I looked to Coach Ukai, who seemed like he was going to pass out on the floor.

"H-h-how'd you learn to-"
"I don't know. I guess I just saw Asahi do it once."

He just shook his head.

"Stop the game." He said
"W-what? I..."
"Its alright Y/n. You're on. You're an official team member now."

I could feels tears as those words left his mouth. Suga and Noya ran to my side as I fell to the ground.

"Thank you! Thank you! I won't let you down Coach Ukai! I swear I won't!"

He just smiled.

"Okay. Go clean yourself up. You got practice in a few. I'll announce your entry then."

He walked out the gym door with Takeda and Kiyoko right behind him.

"Good job Y/n. You are so brave and amazing for doing this. You might have just inspired so many others around the world now." Kiyoko said

I looked back to the ground and had to use Noya as my support. Suga, Hinata, and even Kageyama were smiling.

"You did it Y/n! You really did it!" Suga cheered
"Yeah. I wouldn't have done it without you guys. Thank you."
"It's no problem Y/n. After all... what are friends for?!" Noya yelled
"He's right. Question is: how will Daichi react?" Kageyama asked

All of us were quiet.

"Maybe it's not a BAD reaction..." I said laughing

The guys laughed with me.

"I really did it didn't I? I'm this much closer to getting our team to nationals... and so much closer for me to prove the world wrong! Here I come world, Y/n Sawamura is here to prove you all wrong! I'll make sure nobody forgets my name and what I did today!"

To be continued...

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