Chapter 11 - Strange conversation

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One more episode. The guys have one episode to film and episode three of season two, I will film my first official episode as a Joker. I was getting really excited and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I wanted to start filming.

I decided to see the guys today. I invited them over for the first time and so now I'm just getting ready. The house is clean and I'm already changed into leggings and a hoodie so I decided to prepare a little food. I put on an AC/DC vinyl. I sway my hips to the music as I make egg rolls. 

"I'M ON THE HIGHWAY TO HELL!" I sing along. "ON THE HIGHWAY TO HELL!" I people laughing behind me. I turn around and see Joe, Sal, Murr and Q all staring at me laughing.

"Hey, guys!" I yell and run up to them giving them all a hug.

"Hey! Sorry we just barged in. We rang the doorbell a few times and there was no answer but we heard the music so we walked in," Sal explains. Of course he would be uncomfortable with barging in.

I smile and say "Yeah that's fine. Trust me, you never have to knock when you come here. Unless I didn't invite you... then that's a different story." I notice Q rubbing the back of his head. "What's up with him?" I ask and point to Q.

"Oh, well when you were dancing back there, Q was checking out your ass so I smacked him on the head," Joe laughs. I look at Q and he blushes while giving Joe a what-the-hell look. I laugh at his behavior.

"Yay my squats have been working!" I joke. 

"Oh my God," Q says while facepalming.

"I'm just kidding, Q," I say and give him a peck on the cheek. I see the other guys smiling widely out of the corner of my eye when I do but I choose to ignore it. Suddenly, we hear a loud beeping through the house.

"EGG ROLLS!" I yell and run into the kitchen. The guys cheer and run after me. I out the egg rolls on a plate and walk into the TV room with the guys on my trail. 

"So," I say. "Movie?"

"Yes!" Murr yells. I point to the shelf where all of my movies are. The guys walk over to it to go look for a movie.

"Holy crap," I hear Joe say. "You are the exact same person as Q!"

"How?" I ask as I walk over to them.

"Look at all these comic books and movies and vinyls. You're like a female Q." Joe says.

"What?" Q and I both say at the same time.

"See!" Joe yells and motions between the two of us.

"Yeah! Oh my God it's so true!" Murr says.

"Oh God. Just pick a movie guys," I laugh.

"Right," Joe says and they looks for a movie. We finally settle on Forest Gump. I sit on the couch next to Q and start to get comfortable. Q notices me shifting around and lifts his arm and motions for me to lie on him. I lie down on him and snuggle onto his chest.

"Shit. You're like, the most cuddliest person ever," he says.

"What?" I laugh and look at him.

"You're just good a good person to cuddle. It's really comfortable and adorable." I blush at the word adorable. "Oh my God you're so cute when you blush!" he says.

"Would you two just kiss already!" Joe exclaims. Our heads shoot in his direction.

"What!?" we both say at the same time again.

"You two have so much chemistry," Joe explains.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"You two are always cuddling and blushing and kissing each other on the forehead or cheek or whatever. You guys like each other," Joe says.

"It's pretty obvious," Murr says,

"You guys need to get together," Sal joins the conversation. Q and I just look at each other blushing furiously. We slowly move away from each other.

"We do not like each other," Q says.

"Yeah, we're just friends," I say.

"Sure you are," Sal winks.

"Just wait. You two will get together. We will make it happen," Joe says.

"No we won't," Q says and inches further away from me.

"No, no, no," Joe gets up and pushes us close together and sets our bodies up in the way they were before. "You two are going to be together."

"Oh my God can we just get back to the movie," I say.

"Fine, but this is not over," Murr says. We all turn our attention back to the movie and away from the strangest conversation I have ever had. Me and Q? Together? Weird.

A/N sorry for not posting in a while. I've been focusing a lot of time on school work so I haven't been able to post in a while. I'll start working on the next chapter and I'll post it in a little while. Thank you all for reading. Over 900 reads! This is awesome, thank you!

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