Chapter Three

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Erik sighed as Christine sang the wrong note for the third time. "Focus, Christine," he ordered, his voice filling the room. "What ever has gotten into you? Usually, you are much better than this."

"Forgive me, angel," Christine said meekly. "I suppose my mind is on other things." As she spoke, a flush spread across her cheeks. "My childhood lover, Raoul de Chagny, is coming soon. He has written me a letter, and I quite look forward to seeing him."

He stiffened as she spoke, eyes narrowing. "And then what? Shall you go off and marry him, throwing away all the potential you have?"

"N-no, angel! Please, I merely..." Christine trailed off, looking down. "I-I don't know, my angel."

When Erik spoke again, his voice was as cold as ice. "Very well then. I suppose I shall not teach you any longer." With that he swept away, leaving Christine to plead and cry after him.

He began to walk to Box 5, only to run into a redheaded girl. "Why is it that every time we meet, we literally run into each other?" a now familiar voice came. "And now you look like you're about to explode, to be honest."

"Mia," Erik sighed. Today, she was wearing a navy blue dress, which complimented her red hair perfectly. He considered her, tipping his head. "I suppose you wish to know what happened? Or have you already found out the whole story?"

Mia looked at him, then shrugged. "I have part of the story, something to do with that girl. What could she do that would make you so upset? Perhaps someone she loves is coming?"

Giving a growl, Erik took her wrist and began dragging her to Box 5. "Hey, I'm not a cripple! I can walk by myself!" Mia protested. She yanked her arm from his hold, shaking it. "From the way you were holding my arm, I'd think you want to kill me!" Erik rolled his eyes and walked into Box 5, Mia following him.

"So this is your reserved spot?" Mia asked, looking around. She sat down next to Erik and asked, "What happened that has you all riled up?"

"Christine," he muttered.

Mia rolled her eyes. "Yes, I figured as much, but why?"

"Her childhood lover is coming and I just...argh, why am I telling you this?" Erik gave a grunt of frustration, glaring in the direction of the stage.

"In my experience, it's best to tell a person about your anger, rather than just bottling it up, since you never know how it will end up exploding," Mia said quietly. She gently placed one hand over his, and Erik jumped slightly. He had never known anybody so willing to touch him, with the exception of a few people, so he was quite startled.

"Why do you like her so much?" Mia asked, tipping her head. "Is it because of her voice? Her looks? Does she even know who you are?"

Erik froze and thought about it for a moment. Eventually he admitted, "I don't know. I guess I just want someone who will accept me for who and what I am, and for someone to love me."

Mia sighed softly. "I suppose I can understand that. But one day, Erik, someone will come. It is best to wait all your life for someone who truly loves you for who you are, who actually understands who you are, than for you to trick someone into living with you by arrangement and agreement, because you will never truly be happy."

Slowly, Erik turned his hand so that his palm was facing up and he gently held Mia's hand in his. She looked at him and gave him a small smile, then turned her attention towards the stage.

After a while of silence, Erik asked quietly, "Why do you talk to me?"

"What do you mean? You are much more interesting than anyone I've ever met," Mia said, glancing over at him.

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