Chapter One

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It was a beautiful spring day that Mia stepped out to from a carriage, greeted by the large Opera Populaire. The red-haired girl looked around, smiling at the people who went past, and her smile was so infectious that even the most surly person would've smiled back.

"Thank you, monsieur," she said politely to the coachman, only a hint of an Italian accent in her gentle voice. She dipped a small curtsy after paying, then walked into the beautiful opera house, looking around. 

As she walked onto the stage, she passed dancers and the managers, all of them not taking notice of her until the lead soprano gave a gasp.

Carlotta cried, "Maria, what on earth are you doing here? You shouldn't be here!" Mia merely rolled her eyes, used to her sister's attitude.

"Hello to you too, Carlotta," the younger girl said dryly. "I'm in town for a little and wished to visit my older sister. Is that such a crime? I haven't seen you in years, ever since you decided to cut all contacts with us, and the only news we ever got of you were through the papers."

The petite girl came to a stop, her hazel eyes scanning Carlotta and Piangi. Tipping her head, she deduced, "And you must be her lover." Piangi nodded, startled.

"How did you know that?" Carlotta asked, confused. "I've never told you that I have a lover."

Mia shrugged. "It was easy. You two have a familiar stance with each other, and Piangi is holding your hand. Why would he do that? You would never let a friend do that, no matter how close, so he must be your lover."

Piangi butted in, "How did you know my name?"

"It was said by a stagehand who was pointing at you," Mia said, smiling. "Anyhow, Carlotta, I didn't know you could sing. Every time you tried back at home, I always thought that a cat was dying or something of the sort."

Laughter burst from several dancers and stagehands, while the managers stared in horrified fascination. There were soft murmurs and whispers among them all as they surveyed the cool words of Carlotta's sister.

Glaring, Mia's sister snarled, "At least I have talent, Mia, while you have nothing!" 

Soft gasps came from all around, but Mia chuckled softly. "Touché, my dear sister," she smiled pleasantly as if she'd been given a compliment. "Perhaps you are right, perhaps not, but you have to admit that I am not nearly as spoiled as you. Anyhow, I merely wished to greet you while I was in France."

As Carlotta was burning with curiosity, Mia could see her older sister debate whether to ask what she was doing here or not.

Finally, Carlotta's curiosity won and she asked, "What are you doing here in the first place? Weren't you trying to learn how to become a doctor, or something foolish like that?"

"Only you would call being educated 'something foolish,'" Mia grumbled. "And yes, I have learned how to nurse others, which is why I am here. You remember Mother's old friend, Signora Russo?" 

Carlotta nodded, everyone oblivious to the masked man watching from Box 5. "Well, I came to nurse her back into health after she got a bout of pneumonia. I finished and have a few free days before I go, unless something more happens," Mia explained.

"Well then, why don't you stay and watch me?" Carlotta offered, wanting to show off to her sister. "You can go sit over there." 

Mia's eyes sparkled with amusement, and she said, "Oh, I'd be happy to take that offer, my dear sister. Thank you very much!" She took a seat and smirked ever so slightly as her sister began to sing, or rather, screech. 

Breathing a sigh of relief when Carlotta finished, Mia threw her head back and laughed. "I really have no idea how you even got a job here, sister! I truly feel bad for the dancers and stagehands that have to listen to you all day; I am certainly glad that I don't have to," she giggled. 

Eyes wide with rage, Carlotta shrieked, "Get out of my sight!" The young girl stood up and picked up her skirts, running off, laughing all the while. 


Erik considered what he had seen, the beautiful young girl, the sister of Carlotta. Her voice was sweet and gentle, much like his angel's, and Mia was willing to admit that her sister could not sing. She was smart and could use her brain, quite clearly, and was quick to pick up on things. 

Shaking his head, he turned back to the stage, his eyes immediately darting towards his angel, Christine Daaé. She was young, hardly even twenty, and as she danced, she stumbled on a turn, nearly bumping into Carlotta.

At that, Carlotta stopped her singing and turned to screech at the young girl. Erik's fists tightened as he saw his angel endure the words of the horrible lady, and he wanted nothing more than to make Carlotta pay for the pain she caused Christine.

No, he reminded himself. It is not yet time. The plan requires patience, do not be hasty. There were soft footsteps that he picked up with his enhanced hearing, even over Carlotta, and Erik saw Mia return.

"Carlotta, how dare you yell at this poor girl?!" Mia cried, voice no longer gentle. In fact, now it was sharp and her eyes glared daggers at the woman. 

She stomped up to her sister and promptly slapped her, causing everyone to gasp and Erik to nod in satisfaction. "Just because you think yourself to be superior does not give you a right to be rude," Mia snapped. "And for the record, you are not superior." That made Erik snicker softly as he saw the appalled face of the managers and Piangi.

Turning to Christine, she said more gently, "I'm sorry about my sister. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, thank you," Christine said shakily, eyes wide. 

Carlotta bellowed, "Maria Giudicelli, how dare you! You have no right!"

Before Mia could respond, a piece of the scenery fell on top of her sister's head. Mia whipped her head around, quickly analyzing the situation. Her eyes fell upon Erik, and she tilted her head in confusion. 

Their eyes met, then Erik ran off silently, breathing fast from the intensity of Mia's hazel eyes. Mia was about to run after him when Carlotta began ranting and wailing. 

"My head, my head is broken!" the woman screamed, breaking into sobs as Piangi held her, completely baffled. 

Mia snapped, "Quit whining. If you can talk, your head is fine and not broken. Hold ice to it and you'll escape without any permanent damage. Now, if you will excuse me, something has just happened, and I must go." 

Before leaving, however, she turned to the managers and said, "Just a note, perhaps you should put this girl," she gestured to Christine, "In place of prima donna, because I can tell that she is a fine singer. Now, I really must go!"

Without saying goodbye, the red-haired girl ran off, in pursuit of the mysterious masked man. 

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