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The sound of a white-haired female princess rang through the halls of Beacon. Her voice sounded with anger and frustration, as Ruby just stood there, with shock and despair. She had confessed to Weiss, but it wasn't taken lightly. She rejected the Silver-Eyed girl without any hesitation.

Weiss continued berating Ruby for a while but for her, it was just a simple rejection, a thing that she did multiple times back at Atlas. It was normal for her to reject someone like this, as the Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, she had many suitors before, even girls, but she rejected all of them, she didn't pull any of her punches, she didn't even care for anyone, except for her older sister, but not for Ruby.

For years, after her mother died, she fell into a endless void of despair, only covered up by her cheery smile. Her father didn't even bat an eye for just a moment, only ignoring her and her only. She didn't even had a mother in her life due to her being dead, and the only people were there for her was Yang and Qrow, but mostly Yang. She never felt love from a different person or from a different situation, but that changed when she met Weiss, her heart fluttered for the first time. She hasn't felt that feeling in all of her life, she felt like she was on cloud 9. But alas, her love was broken and shattered into pieces by the snow princess.


Weiss looked at Ruby who her head was just facing the ceramic floor without any emotion.

Weiss: Hey! Are you even listening?!

Ruby looked up to the ceiling and started laughing uncontrollably that made Weiss uncomfortable. After a few minutes of laughing, Ruby stopped and wiped a fake tear.

Ruby: I'm just kidding! It was a prank!

Weiss: Good, because if you ever do that again, you'll be sorry!

Ruby: Okay Weiss!

Ruby responded in a cheery tone and skipped out of Weiss' view as she turned around and walked away with a huff. Weiss walked along the hallway, but not before pulling out a picture of Ruby smiling with the rest, but Yang and Blake are crossed out.

Weiss: 'I hope you can forgive me for my words Ruby, but in truth, i love you.....'

Weiss was deep in her thoughts, not thinking about the consequences of her actions.

[Ruby POV]

After i "confessed" to Weiss. I just walked away..... Then ran.... I ran as fast i could, with tears streaming down my face and leaving a trail of salty tears behind. I used my semblance to dash through the hallways of Beacon. I didn't care where i was going, all i wanted to do was just run away from Wei- no.... Ms. Schnee.... From her... I just didn't want to see her again, not for a long time though, just not for this week..

I ran through the halls at fast speeds, not knowing i was about to crash into someone. I crashed into someone, i deactivated my semblance. I didn't care who that person was, i just wanted to get away. I looked down and i saw through my teary eyes was Cinder. Cinder looked at me with pity and helped me up.

Ruby: O-Oh... Hey Cinder..

Cinder: Ruby, what's wrong?

Ruby: I-It's nothing.. I'm fine.. *holding back her tears*

Cinder: Cmon, you can tell me, what's wrong?

Ruby sighed and begrudgingly told Cinder about what happened with her confession. The amber-eyed girl was in anger and wanted to strangle the heiress to a cold death, but was stopped by Ruby by telling her it wasn't worth it. She let go of her rage to Weiss and hugged Ruby whilst the silver-eyed warrior just cried on her shoulder.

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