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You pull my hair out of my bun,
And let it fall around my face.

My head,
surrounded by the darkness of my hair.

You blow out a wind with a sigh,
And my hair,
Embraces your breath,
And together,
They dance in the air.

My long black strands fly up,
And turn the sky into a clear night.

A night that you trace it with your fingers,
As we stand among the evergreens.

A pair of moons,
Glitter in your eyes,
And you shine on me.

you say,
" you're my night".

And I ,
Always trying to see my reflect
In your irises,
"you're my light".

Now you're gone,
The sun is up,
And everywhere is plastered by the darkness of your lack.

And now,
I'm the shadow of these evergreens.

When they can't bear the dark light of you being gone,
I'm their shadows.

Chasing among what's left of the night,
Looking for you.

Thanks for reading, lovely people!
I really really and truly wanna know what this poem has made you feel. So please let me hear your thoughts by commenting!
Also every vote can easily make my day and I'll be so thankful!

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