Chapter V • A Promise and Electricity

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I'm not even gonna bother trying to explain why this part took so long to get out, 'cause I really don't have an excuse. Long story short, I was busy. Buuuuut, why not start off your day (or any other time) with this next chapter?
Let's go~
Enjoy!! ^∆^

Their journey continued on the way it had been for a long while now: turn on two consecutive televisions, enter through one, exit through the other, and avoid any and all Viewers no matter what. Wash, rinse, and repeat.

They would be the first to admit, however, that they were growing tired, and they knew that, no matter how driven they were to save Six, they'd have to rest at some point or they'd be of no help to her whatsoever.

The children were currently inside a bedroom of an apartment, furnished only with an old mattress and some boxes here and there. Hanging above them, suspended by thin wires, were small, wooden model airplanes, their shadows much larger than themselves.
The two lay upon the mattress, laying head to foot, and they stared up at the ceiling in silence. They stayed this way for a time, and {Y/N} found themself nearly drifting off to Dreamland, when Mono suddenly spoke in his soft voice.

"Have you always been on your own?"

{Y/N} was quiet, processing such an unexpected question. The answer was easy, of course, but they found themself caught off guard. However, with a quiet sigh and a slight shift in position, they spoke.

"No, not always... I'm alone a lot, and there's not too many people -- normal people -- around, but sometimes, I like to try and make a friend."

"Do you have any friends?" Mono asked. A small smile crossed {Y/N}'s face.

"Well, a few crows let me come near them once, and they let me eat some of the stuff they were eating. It was nasty but, y'know, I didn't want to starve... Oh! And there was this one time I actually managed to sneak into the school building -- it was raining really bad that day, and I wanted to get out of it -- and I tried to make friends with one of the dollies there." {Y/N} briefly glanced Mono's way, their smile growing sardonic. "A bit of advice: don't ever try to help those things dissect a frog."

"Oh, no, I know all about that," Mono said. He trailed off, taking a moment to ponder all of this before he continued. "As far as friends go, though," he said, "I don't think those count."

{Y/N} sighed and laid their hands upon their torso, intertwining, their fingers.

"Well, I mean... There have been a couple of times I've come across other people, other kids, others as small-sized as me, also looking to survive around here. Those times are really, really, really rare, though."

Mono listened intently, intrigued to know more.
"Do you know what happened to them? Where they are now?"

"... I don't like Viewers for a very good reason, Mono," was {Y/N}'s only response.

The boy's heart sank as he realized what his new friend meant. He knew what Viewers were capable of, and he shuddered to think of exactly that.

"I... I'm so sorry--"

"Don't apologize," {Y/N} interrupted. "It... It's fine. It's how life is, right? This life... It's all I've ever known. I'm used to it. It's normal."

At this point, it sounded to Mono like {Y/N} was trying to convince themself more than him. He slowly sat up, raising a hand up to his head to keep his bag in place.

"Even still," he said, "you shouldn't have to be alone. No one should."

He took {Y/N} gently by the hand, and as they sat up as well, they swore they could almost see Mono's eyes amidst the shadow behind the bag that hid them.

"So, I promise you, I won't leave you. I won't let anything happen to you or myself, and when we find Six, I'll keep her safe, too," Mono continued. He tilted his head slightly to the right. "You'll never have to be alone again."

{Y/N} was silent for the longest moment, their eyes wide as they comprehended what they'd just been told. They didn't want to get their hopes up, didn't want to dare it, but oh, how they loved the sound of that. Eventually, a grin crossed {Y/N}'s face, and they tightly embraced Mono, whom returned the gesture.

"Thank you," they whispered.
"Of course," he responded.

It wasn't long after this short exchange that the children continued on their quest.

Thunder boomed and blinding lightning flashed outside amidst the angry evening sky, pouring buckets of its tears down to the earth. It appeared to be just as distraught about the state of the world as the children.

None of {Y/N}'s questions had yet dissipated; if anything, they just had more questions now. The one that crossed their mind the most, though, was if whether or not Six was alright. Every time they'd begin to wonder this, their mind would gradually steer in a negative, worrisome direction. However, every time this would happen, {Y/N} would shake their head, snapping themself out of this terrible trance and would tell themself to stay positive.

It was a tragic cycle, really - it's so difficult to stay positive in such a negative world.

Jumping down from a rusty fire escape and climbing and through a window, {Y/N}, with Mono in tow, wandered down a short hallway, looking around. The floor beneath their bare feet was wet, clearly flooded from the rain dripping through a hole in the ceiling above. Across the hall was a single door, which was boarded up. Confused and curious, the children were about to pry the boards from where they'd been nailed, but stopped short as something aggressively pounded on the other side, followed by angry croaking.

"A Viewer..." {Y/N} breathed, speaking the children's shared observation aloud.
"That door is our only exit," Mono said, looking around to see if he could prove his statement wrong, "so what do we do now?"

{Y/N} was quiet for a long moment, trying to come up with a way out of this situation. Looking over their shoulder, they noticed a lever a small ways back. Below it was a label that showed it was for electrical purposes. Following the wires connected to it, they were cut and ended right in the middle of the water.
They looked back to Mono, tapping the boy's shoulder to get his attention.

"I've got a plan."

{Y/N} stood beside the lever, hands gripped tight onto the handle, whilst Mono stood by the door, pulling the boards off. Considering the nails were old and rusted, this wasn't too difficult of a job. The very moment the last board was removed, the Viewer on the other side of the door pounded against it once more, breaking through it as if it were nothing. Mono began to run back towards {Y/N}, having only moments before the Viewer took notice of him and took off after him.

"Run, Mono!!" {Y/N} shouted, practically screamed to him, watching the boy and the Viewer desperately sprint towards them. They let go of the lever with one of their hands and held it out to him, and Mono, not more than three feet away, gave a leap of faith and grabbed onto {Y/N}'s hand and landed right next to them. Grabbing ahold of the lever, the children pulled with all their might, and just as the Viewer reached them, the room was suddenly filled with a terrible crackling sound as the electricity switched on. The lights in the room flickered as the man violently spasmed, dropping to his knees and landing on his face in the water below his feet.

With this, the children pulled the lever once more to turn off the electricity, and they stepped closer to the Viewer's body. Mono lightly nudged it with his foot.

"Is he... dead?" He asked, nervously glancing back and forth between {Y/N} and the body.

"I think so," they replied, mostly in awe that the plan had worked and they weren't dead. "C'mon."

I know this is a little shorter than the other chapters, but I really wanted to get this one out sooner rather than later. I didn't rush (obviously), but I did make you all wait a long time, so this is long overdue. Hope you enjoyed, and stay tuned for more. :)

Word count of the day:
1,401 :D

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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