Chapter III • Heights, Mail and a Remote

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Hello, fellow people!! :)
Thanks again for reading my story!! I really appreciate all of the comments and votes, I really do!!
I want to apologize again for how long it took to get this chapter out. Part of it was due to school, another part was my working on some other works of mine, and the rest of it, I'm sad to admit, was due to pure laziness. I'm a very lazy person- and this is dragging on.
Regardless, thank you for sticking with my story!! Now, let's continue!!

For a split second, {Y/N}'s vision was filled with a bright white light, one that threatened to blind them. Then, they found themself rushing through a dark tunnel of fleshy walls and enormous eyes staring at them. Distorted screams rang through the air, accompanied by some equally distorted music.

All of this lasted for a matter of seconds, and {Y/N} barely had any time at all to comprehend anything that had just happened before they were thrust right of another television screen. A moment later, Mono followed suit, breaking the screen behind him.
The two fell from a couple-story height and landed on a (conveniently placed) mattress on the ground floor.

Mono sat up slowly and reached up beneath his bag, rubbing his head lightly as he looked to his left, where {Y/N} lay face down and unmoving beside him.

"Daaaanngg iiiitttt...." They groaned into the mattress, not daring to move and cause a fresh wave of pain to hit their head. They heard a soft chuckle from Mono and felt him lightly tap their shoulder. "C'mon, {N/N}, let me help you up."

With another groan - this one was more so because they had grown quite comfortable where they lay and were opposed to moving at this point - {Y/N} rose to their feet and leaned against Mono, holding a hand to their forehead.

"'kay then," {Y/N} said, "where to now?"
Mono was silent as he looked around, searching for a way to go. After a few moments, he pointed upwards with his free hand.

"Up there. We can climb those shelves up to the second floor. I think I saw a door there."

{Y/N} nodded shakily as they looked up to where Mono was pointing.
"Alright, then. Let's get going."

The two children began to swiftly climb the bookshelves and onto an old chair soaked from the rain. They stood on the chair and jumped, grabbing onto the edge of the broken floorboards of the second floor and pulling themselves up. The two quickly made their way over to the door, but found it to be locked from the other side.
"Now what?" Mono wondered aloud.

Upon examining their surroundings, {Y/N} noticed something across the room: a turned-on television.
"Maybe we could try going through the TV again?" They offered. If they were honest, they dreaded the idea, but they also had a feeling it would be happening quite a lot.

Mono gave a nod of affirmation and jogged over to the television, laying his hands upon the screen. Without needing to be told, {Y/N} held onto Mono again and shut their eyes tight as they went through the screen. When they reappeared in the real world, they were on the other side of the door, which led to a roof that doubled as a terrace of sorts. Above them dangled a television, the one they had emerged from. Finally, next to them was a crank which, upon {Y/N} turning it, moved the television to the rooftop of the next building.

The children quickly devised a plan.

While {Y/N} turned the crank, Mono unlocked the door and went back inside, waiting for his new friend. Once the television had been pulled as far as it could go, {Y/N} dashed inside and the two went through the television, emerging from the other one they'd moved.

Rising to their feet, they ran across the rooftop, climbed up a small metal ladder and entered another apartment, one that had a large portion missing from the wall to the children's right. With nowhere else to go, they jumped through the wall's hole and down onto a series of rather unsteady floorboards, boards that made {Y/N}'s stomach do flips at the thought of them giving way beneath them.
They traveled along the boards and soon were walking along large pipes instead, ones used for air conditioning units. They came to another gap between rooftops, and this time there were no TVs to help them. However, {Y/N} was quick to spot something.

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