Chapter two

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Annabelle work up the next morning to a bright rays of light that illuminated her room.This made it almost impossible for her to see clearly because  the morning sunshine had reflected through her curtains.

She didn't feel like getting up from her bed because she was exhausted from  the previous adventure around pineapple highland, her grandmother's home. But what made her get up quickly was her mom's thunderous voice that jolted her.

Melissa her mother, did not like anyone who overslept for she herself was an early riser.She had always taught her daughter to rise up early even if she had no school.That morning she had woken up with Mrs Jennifer her mother to begin the day's activity.

After they were done preparing breakfast,she wondered why her daughter Annabelle was not yet up and it was already 7:00am.She decided to go to her room to check up on her. She pushed her daughter's door open and shouted at her to get up from the bed.

Annabelle could see dismay written on her mother's face as she scrutinized her bedroom.She ordered her to tidy her room and prepare herself for breakfast before leaving the room furious.

Annabelle knew her mom was still angry with her for exploring pineapple highland by herself the previous day without getting their permission.When she got back home that evening, she knew she will be scolded or even worse beaten by her mother.Fortunately,her grandma defended her from Melissa.

Annabelle knew she messed up big time, and she had made things worse by oversleeping.And the only way to clear her mess was by apologizing.Her grandma was not happy either but she pretended to be only to save her from her mother.She never intended to make the only women in her life sad by making silly mistakes.

She quickly made her bed and tidied her room to be neat.When she was satisfied with it's appearance, she took her towel and headed to the bathroom that was shared by all of them.

Since they had no shower,she fetched a bucket full of cold water from the tap in their bathroom.Thirty minutes later,she  was ready for breakfast.

She begun by greeting her grandmother then her mum because of the age  difference as usual when they met for breakfast.That's how she was taught by the both women since she was young.

Annabelle sat down and the three of them prayed together before having breakfast.At Mrs Jennifer's that was a daily routine.And Melissa had learnt it from her.That was the reason why,no one was expected to be late for breakfast due to oversleeping.

When they were all done with breakfast, Annabelle took the chance to apologise to them for her previous mistakes.She went down on her knees begging to be forgiven and promised not to repeat the same mistake again.Her grandma and her mother forgave her and she was glad.

However,she didn't know that the both of them had already planned to give her  a punishment.They were just waiting for her to own up to her mistake, and the were glad she did.She became grounded for a month.

Annabelle was disappointed but she didn't show it.She didn't say anything to show if she agreed or disagreed rather, she kept quiet.She knew the decision had already been made and she had no choice but to live by it.Nonetheless,it was she herself who brought it upon herself.No one was to blame, not even her grandmother or her mother who were always trying to look out for her.

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