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Shinsou's POV

After some time passed the three came back and Kaminari was keeping an oddly close eye on the two girls. We continued the game letting the purple-haired girl start. "Bakugou, if you could sleep with anyone at this table beside your boyfriend, who would it be?"

The guy rolled his eyes and took a shot. "BRO! You're our designated driver!" Kaminari yelled in total shock and fear. 

"RELAX DUNCE FACE! It's one shot I'll be fine I'm not a lightweight like him," He gestured to the redhead hanging off of him, who clearly didn't have a high tolerance. "Ok, ponytail," Yoayorozu opened her mouth to say her name but he clearly didn't care. "Do you have implants or something?"

Yoayorozu gasped in offense. "No, I don't! And it is rude to look at a woman's chest sir," Todoroki put an arm around her for comfort rubbing her shoulder slightly. Bakugou mumbled a small whatever before Yoayorozu cleared her throat and continued. "What took you three so long to return? I started to get concerned," She spoke while looking directly at Kaminari. 

He laughed before downing a shot. "Whoo! Ok...Uraraka," He said and pointed at her. "How old were you the first time you had sex?" She laughed and took a shot very abrasively.

"Alright then," Yoayorozu chuckled and took away the shots. "I think that's enough of that game, this is getting a little too invasive for my taste."

"I fully agree," Iida agreed making another chopping motion helping her collect the alcohol. Kaminari's friends all looked rather disappointed.

"Alright dancing time!" Sero yelled, his attitude doing a whole 180. Everyone else went and danced while I headed to the bar to get some more liquor. At some point, a dance circle was formed and Asui ran over and pulled me to watch. Sero was in the middle with several people going in and out for a dance with him. Though he was good without a partner as well. 

Soon as I was about to go back to my drink Sero left the circle and Kaminari was pushed in the middle. Everyone sang the following lyrics in the song at full volume. "BITCH, DID YOU HEAR WHAT THE FUCK I SAID?! SHAKE...SOME ASS!" Sure enough, Kaminari started shaking his ass in the middle of the dance circle before leaving it with finger guns. I grabbed my drink and watched everyone go in and out of the circle. Bad dancers, good dancers, every different style of dance. It was very interesting that's for sure. 

I was honestly enjoying myself and was even clapping for a few of the dancers. Until Asui took my drink out of my hand and shoved me in. I looked around for a minute feeling very anxious then I felt someone grab my hand and turn me around to face them. It was Kaminari, he looked kinda apologetic and I could see his friends giggling. 

He began to dance with me, granted he was an awful dancer much like me, but people cheered and laughed until he led us out of the circle. "Sorry about that. I just noticed that you seemed to be kinda, frozen and then my friends just...shoved me," He chuckled and dropped my hands. "Hope it was ok that we danced together even though we barely know each other," He winked at me reminding me that the people we were here with didn't know we knew each other.

"Yeah you're fine don't worry..." I gestured to him since I had never heard his name tonight, so I wasn't supposed to know it.

"Kaminari," He bowed and I did the same. He tipped his nonexistent hat to me and worked his way over to his friends. I went back to Asui and retrieved my drink.

"Why Asui? You know I don't like dancing," She nodded slightly.

"Mhm, but you need to get out of your comfort zone," I rolled my eyes and downed the rest of my drink.

"I do not. I do, however, need more liquor," She smiled and waved me off as I turned to get a scotch. The circle was dissolved by the time I got the bartender's attention. He handed me the strongest scotch there was there. It was incredibly smooth despite it being 87% proof. I quickly went through several glasses, staying at the bar, and for the first time in a long time, I was actually getting drunk. It happened before I could even realize it.

I saw someone who was absolutely hammered stand on the speakers and shout, 'IS THERE ANYTHING BETTER THEN PUSSY?' To which the crow responded with, 'YES A REALLY GOOD BOOK!' The person was quickly escorted out but the people roared with laughter. 

I stopped with the liquor ordering water instead. The two groups came over to the bar ordering many different drinks. This guy came over and began flirting with Kaminari, the pit in my stomach grew worse than I had known. So, in my drunken state, I grabbed a shocked Sero's arm to dance of all things...anything to get rid of the awful feeling. 

He chuckled and humored me for a dance.  When I looked back over the guy was still there, I turned back to Sero and leaned close to him. He put a finger to my lip and chuckled. "I'm gonna stop you right there. I'm aromantic and asexual, I just joke. Plus you're drunk, and" He removed his finger and leaned in until our noses were touching. "I know when someone's heart belongs to someone," I saw him smirk before he grabbed my hand and spun me, and headed back to the bar.

The fuck does he mean by my heart belongs to someone? With nothing better to do, I went back to the bar to see that guy still there. So I ordered another drink. "You know you're awful pretty," The guy said and I saw Kaminari nod and giggle. He put his hand on the side of Kaminari's face. "But you're kinda an idiot huh?" He chuckled slightly and I felt my whole body go rigid.

Kaminari put his hand over the guys before talking. "Is that your Ferrari in the parking lot?" He nodded with a confident and proud smile on his face. Kaminari gently moved his hand to the guy's wrist, then squeezed it. "Then you must be overcompensating for your extremely tiny dick. Because that comment was all small dick energy," The guy looked shocked and Kaminari stood up and threw the guy's hand away from his face. "I may not be the smartest guy, but damn I'm not someone to be looked down upon. I am greater than you could dream of and I don't need to put others down to lift myself up. I have a recurring hookup, can land anyone I so please, I can be masculine and feminine at the same time without feeling any shame, I will bet literal money that I have a better living situation than you and make more money. Do you have any of that? Or do you just have a nice car?"

Kaminari sat back down turning away from the guy clearly not expecting an answer. The guy looked stunned and walked away. I was amazed but not necessarily surprised, I knew he could more than handle himself. That was just amazing.


I am working on a revamped version of my other book and I want to publish it all at once. Plus I'm working on my book that is my own idea completely, so I have been writing a lot but I have a busier summer than I thought I would so...here we are!!

I know I said this in like that past six chapters but I'm gonna really try, just please be patient

Let me know what you thought of this chapter!

If you have any theories as to what will happen let me know in the comments, you'll probably be wrong but we'll have fun with guessing

Have a great day/night

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