Nosy Friends

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Denki's POV

After a few...dozen rides we stopped and got some food. It was really similar to fair food which was awesome, I mean who doesn't love fried...everything really. After we ate Jirou and Sero wanted to go down the lazy river and the rest of us basically thought 'fuck it' so now we're all flowing down the stream in a calm manner...mostly calm.

"I TOLD YOU I DON'T DIE IT! IT'S  NATURALLY THIS RED!" Kirishima was looking about as red as his hair as he argued with the girls.

"YEAH AND I GUESS MY LASHES ARE REAL TOO!" Jirou shouted as she was quite involved with the argument. We all, besides Mina Jirou and Bakugo, gasped in surprise when she said that.

"Wait...YOUR LASHES ARE FAKE?!" Both Sero and I yelled in shock and disbelief. How is that even possible? Do all women have fake eyelashes? Am I just stupid?! Well, that last one's a yes but that's beside the point.

The girls went on to explain how it worked and that they glued on their lashes. Right after that, the fight about whether or not Kiri's hair was real was resumed. Sero floated over to me in his little tube while the others were preoccupied and Bakugo was asleep, I think. "Ok, so be honest with me here Denks, we've been friends for a long time and we both know that those hickies can't all be from one-night stands. What kind of one-night stand would leave a hickie on the other person anyway?"

I sighed and simultaneously swallowed a lump in my throat. I knew someone would catch on I just didn't expect it to be Sero, Bakugo, yes, Mina, yes, Jirou, yes, Kirishima...that one's iffy but not  Sero he never really cares about this stuff. "Don't worry about it dude, I promise it's nothing."

He sighed this time and rested his elbow on the tube and his chin in his hand. "I just wanted to know if maybe our little Kaminari had fallen in love is all," He shrugged in a nonchalant manner at the end and I couldn't help but giggle a little.

That giggle soon turned into a full-blown laughing fit. "Me, in love? Sero, how much did you smoke before coming here" I continued laughing and he simply rolled his eyes while splashing water on me. Though I did hear him laugh a little.

"Is it so strange to think that you could have found somebody," Sero sang the last three words and I sneered at him before splashing him with water making us both chuckle. "Seriously though my guy, you've been different lately you always seem to ditch on hanging out, you're always in a ditzy mood, not to mention you've been acting above average weird- even just this morning."

I ran my fingers through my hair if there was a time and place to tell them all what's been going on it was now. There would be no better time but even if I tell them what I've been doing with Shinsou I can't tell them the whole truth because they cannot know I'm working for a gang. Is there even a point in telling them if it can't be the full truth? You know what, fuck it these are my best friends and somebody needs to know. "Ok, tell you what, we'll all get off and I'll tell you all a story. Sound fair?"

He laughed slightly and nodded. "Deal Kami," We all got out and Sero told all my friends I had something to tell them. We sat on a bench while Mina and Kiri tanned on the ground. I get Kiri's pasty ass tanning but Mina's already dark and even admitted she probably wouldn't tan. I don't understand women. "So what do you want to tell us dunce face?"

Everyone listened waiting for me to speak and I just sighed to myself. "Well, there's this guy-"

"Ooooooo," Mina immediately perked up looking over at me with interest. She repositioned herself so she was sitting up facing me.

"Yes, now if you would let me continue..." She nodded and motioned to me saying I had the floor. "Thank you. His name is Shinsou and I met him about 4 months ago in a bar. After that first night, we've been hooking up regularly in a no-strings-attached agreement, and yes, we did hook up last night and he gave me the hickie."

I looked around at everyone and they all just seemed to be waiting for more. Sero was the first one to speak up. "And?" I looked at them confused wondering what the fuck they meant and I could see them all collectivity groan. "AND how do you feel about him?"

I started to laugh to myself. "Feel? I FEEL like he's a dick and he lives on a high horse of intelligence. He's something else, I don't have any romantic feelings for him, sexual, yeah but I can't see myself in a relationship with that man."

I crossed my arms and puffed my cheeks like an angry chipmunk. After a couple of moments, Jirou rolled her eyes and pulled my arms apart before speaking. "Have you ever tried? Like really tried. You obviously have strong feelings about this Shinsou guy and you can't picture yourself having a decent relationship with him?"

I paused before laughing again. "I'm not telling you all this for relationship advice, I'm just telling you so you all know. I'm perfectly fine with the relationship I have with him I wouldn't try to progress it even if I wanted to."

They all nodded in understanding and we headed off to the biggest rides in the park. We stayed there until it was practically sunset and Bakugo started to drive us all to our homes. Mina, Jirou, and Sero all fell asleep on the ride. I was the first one dropped off as normal and said by to the two other conscious people then headed in the building. I got to my apartment and put away the outfit that I had worn for about two whole hours. 

I sat down at my desk and began doing the research Shinsou needed. After what felt like only a couple of hours I finished and the sun was being to come up I groaned and fell down onto my bed, still in the borrowed swim trunks, to get about an hour of sleep. As I was about to doze off there was a ping on my computer. I opened one eye and saw it was from Shinsou. Figuring it was important I got up and looked over it real fast. It was a  thank you letter, a very formal one, but still. After that, I laid back down and fell asleep almost instantly.

Hear me out I've been sick and I just proof read this and all I can say is I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I have midterms literally next week so I might not have the best publishing schedule for a bit...I'm really sorry

As always if you have any ideas let me know in the comments I love hearing what you guys have to say

Have a great day/night

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