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                                        "Found You, L/N Y/N."
Y/ N felt her heart beat race. As she feels the pressure of a hand on her shoulder.
She gradually turns around to face someone that feels so familiar. Almost like a distant memory, blurry curses, unclear fights and lost memories.
She came face to face with a quite short man with a petite, yet muscular built body. He has grey eyes and striking orange hair that frames his face, with a longer section that falls just past his left shoulder. 

As Y/N scanned the man's face and took in all the features, she came to conclusions that he was indeed very handsome. His beautiful features out shining the sunset.

The beautiful man smirked at her after caught her staring at him.
"Done staring, L/N Y/N."
"Huh?" Y/N whispered.
He came closer to Y/N, and whispered in her soft ear, "It was quite a pain in the ass to find you, you know sweetheart."

Y/N felt her heart beat race and her cheek covered in slight blush as she could feel his breath on her neck.

He straightened himself back again and removed his hand that has been on Y/N shoulder the whole time.

"Wh- Who are you?" Y/N stuttered.
"Did you hit your head somewhere, huh? That you forgotten about me."
"No, I didn't but who the hell are you?" Y/N replied with a bit more confidence. She feels like she just dug her own grave.

"Quit playing around, and let's go i don't have time for your nonsense." He started to drag her with him to god knows where.
Y/N started to struggle.
"Let go of my arm." She shouted at the ginger head.

"Huh?" Y/N looked at him in confusion.
"Don't Huh me, it's my name idiot." Chuya looked at Y/N a bit annoyed.
"Hurry up and move your ass." Chuya once again started to drag her.
"Let me go, where are you taking me, ahhh, pls stop." Y/N uttered desperately as she didn't wanted to end up somewhere bad.
"Jeez, you are making it difficult for yourself." Chuya warned with a dark expression.
Y/N felt shivers run down her spine seeing him mad.

"Chuya I brought the back up." A new voice called out to him.
Both chuya and Y/N looked at where the voice came from.

There stood a boy with a light gray hair, pale skin, and is of average height with a slim build. His hair is short and swept forward in loose spikes with a lock left long on the right side of his face.

"Good, she is struggling a lot, Get the car." Chuya ordered which to the boy nodded and went.
Y/N eyes widen as she saw upto 30 men in black suits that was holding the gun, circle around chuya and Y/N like some bodyguards.

I need to get out of here, I don't know what they want from me but it feel like something bad is going to happen. Chuya was still holding onto my arm and what the hell do they want from me and why the heck are the all dressed in black, like some type of mafia.

"Let's not get involved with her, she is valuable asset to the mafia boss."

"Are you in the mafia?" Y/N uttered before realising she said it out loud.
Chuya looked at her and smirked.
"Good now that your brain is working, come with us and don't struggle or I won't mind putting a bullet in your head." Chuya said with dark expression on his face as he inspected your beautiful face.
"Wh- What d-do you want from me?" Y/N said as she was shaking in fear.
"I don't want anything from you" Chuya smirked "But he does!"
Who the hell is 'HE'? Y/N thought.

Before she could say anything a black car pulled over from behind her and the young boy came out.
"Everything is ready." He said as he handed something to chuya.

"Well time to go, princess."

After Chuya said that he slowly covered Y/N mouth with black fabric. Y/N tried to struggle and not inhale from the fabric but ends up giving it in. Her beautiful eyes slowly closing as she became unconscious.

The last thing Y/N heard was : "Sleep tight, He will be so happy to see you." from Chuya before escaping to her dreamland.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and pls dont forget to vote and leave a comment - from author nim

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter and pls dont forget to vote and leave a comment - from author nim. 《♡~♡》(cakepetal)

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