The trip of hell

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Your POV
The next day, Stiles came over.
"HELLO!" He shouted walking in
"BEDROOM!" I screamed down the hall
I heard footsteps running up the stairs.

"Hi handsome" I smiled as the boy walked in my room
"You're still in bed?" He laughed walking to me
"Yeah, because, we're watching a movie" I reached for him
He laughed and jumped in the bed with me
"Stiles! Stiles! Stiles!" Nyx decided to start talking

I'd discovered that he could talk, well he could repeat words he heard. Kind of like a parrot, Deaton said it was odd, but it's not completely impossible.
"Hi Nyx" stiles greeted the bird, who went quiet after being greeted

"So, why was I needed? What was the oh so important news?" He asked as I cuddled up to his chest
"Well, me adopted two strays" I smirked
"You got two dogs?" He asked excitedly
"Hmmm, sort of" I said sarcastically
"Can I see them?" Stiles asked still happy
"Sure. They're in the spare room" I stood

"Puppies" he chooed and ran out the room

"Oh puppies" I giggled walking into the room
"Oh hi Sky" Remus said as I walked in
"Wait? Where's the puppies?" Stiles asked confused
"Puppies?" Issac asked confused too
"They're there" I said to Stiles pointing at Issac and Remus.

"Wait? You adopted Remus and Issac?" Stiles asked
I just hummed in response
"They got kicked out by Derek, so mum took them in" I smiled
"That's horrible, but great you guys have somewhere to go" stiles beamed
We just nodded
"So where's Scott?" Remus spike up
"Allison's. Said he had to talk to her about something. Not really sure, he woke me up at like 9 and then left so..." I shrugged
"Smart Sky. Real smart" stiles laughed


I sat in the bus in front of Stiles and Scott. Remus beside me, my legs over his lap. My back to the window.
I was reading a book for school.

Scott was half asleep. The memory was clearly haunting him.
"Yo, Scotty. You still with me?" Stiles clicked
"Yeah sorry. What's the word?" Scott asked
"Anachronism" stiles said
"Something that exists out of its normal time" Scott answered
"Nice. Okay next word, 'incongruous'?" Stiles asked
"Um. Can you use it in a sentence?" My twin asked
"Yes. Yes I can. It's completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now on our way to some stupid cross-country meet after what just happened, incongruous " Stiles said
I just giggled
"Out of place, ridiculous, absurd" Scott said

"Perfect. Okay, next word." I asked
"Um, Darach. Darach, it's a noun." Stiles tried
I looked at my boyfriend with a brow raised. Remus turned around too. And Scott glared, just about done with him
"We have to talk about it sometime, okay? And we're gonna be stuck in this thing for like, five hours, so why not?" Stiles asked
I went back to my book after giving him a weak smile. Scott just looked out the window
"Next word, intransigent?" Stiles coughed
"Stubborn, obstinate. " I answered

The bus jolted over a stone probably. I squaked, and rubbed my now sore back
While Scott groaned
"Oh, buddy, you okay?" Stiles asked
"Scott?" I asked too
Said boy didn't answer, he just groaned in pain

"We shouldn't have come. I knew it. We shouldn't have come" stiles said to himself
"We had to. There's safety in numbers" Remus said
"Yeah, well, there's also death in numbers, okay? It's called a massacre" stiles said sarcastically
"Or bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, butchery, wow, that's..." I added
Scott groaned
"Alright, Scott, I'm telling Coach that...." stiles went to stand
"No no no no. Im alright" Scott stopped him
"Well, you don't look alright. Would you just let me see it?" stiles said to him

"I'm okay." Scott tried to say
"Just let us see it, okay?" I leaned over the back of the seat
Scott just nodded and lifted his shirt. Claw marks still dug into his side
"Oh dude..." stiles said
"SCOTT!" I whispered
"I know it's bad; but it's because they're from an Alpha. It'll take longer to heal" Scott said
"Not that long" I pushed rummaging in my bag
"How come Issac and Boyd are fine, or better yet, those two in front of us?" Stiles asked

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