The break in

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Your POV

I sat with Stiles and Remus in the library. Derek, Scott, Allison and Lydia stood before us
"I don't see anything" Derek said
"Look again" Scott said
"How is a bruise gonna tell me where Boyd and Erica are?" Derek asked
"It's the same on both sides" I said
"Exactly the same" Remus added

"Its nothing" Derek said emotionless as always
"Pareidolia. Seeing patterns that aren't there. It's a subset of apophenia." Lydia said cleverly
"They're trying to help" Scott said quietly to Derek

"These two? This one, who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle. Thank you. And this one, who shot about 30 arrows into me and my pack" Derek said to the two girls
I sighed and rubbed my eyes
"Okay, all right, now come on. No one died, alright? Look, there may have been a little maiming, okay, a little mangling, but no death. That's what I call an important distinction" stiles tried to calm the tension
"My mother died" Allison said mad
"Your family's little honor code killed your mother. Not me" Derek replied to her
"That girl was looking for Scott. I'm here to help him, not you." she said to him
"You wanna help? Find something real" Derek said coldly and went to leave

"Give her a chance. Okay, theyre on our side now." Scott said to him
"Well, then maybe you should tell her what her mother was actually trying to do that night" Derek said And left

The bell went and we all left.

Allison and Lydia walked off on me. They've been doing that a lot recently, just randomly leaving me. Allison was still hurt, and Lydia was annoyed I didn't tell her the full truth.
We were fine, I just didn't spend the same amount of time with them both, and that hurt a lot


Scott, Stiles, Remus and I were walking around the pitch to class
"Okay, what would a pack of Alphas want with Erica and Boyd?" Stiles asked
"I'm not sure it's them they want" Scott said
"Okay, what, like Derek? Like, they're recruiting?" Stiles asked

As we walked I caught the scent of two werewolves. And I was able to pin it to the two new boys. The twins.
Remus and Scott watched them too

"Hey guys" Stiles caught our attention
"You coming?" He asked

Scott and Remus looked behind us again. Then came with us.

We walked into the class. I was behind Stiles, Remus across from me and Scott in front of him

Coach slammed a book on the desk
"The stock market is based on two principles." he said
"What are they?" He asked

I raised my hand, waiting. But so did Scott.
"Yes, McCall you can go to the bathroom" Coach nodded at the boy
"Anybody else?" Coach asked
Scott lowered his hand with a sigh
"No, Coach, I know the answer" Scott told him

The man laughed

"Oh you're serious?" He said
"Yes. Risk and reward" Scott said
"Wow! Who are you? And what have you done to McCall? Don't answer that. I like you better. I like you better" Coach asked sarcastically walking to my brother who was smiling
I chuckled
"Does anybody have a quarter?" The man asked

"A quarter?" He asked again
"Yep" stiles said reaching in his jean pocket
He pulled out his hand, a quarter, but a little blue packet came with it, landing on the floor

"Stilinski, I think you...." Coach said picking it up
I saw what it was and burst out laughing at the boys embarrassment.
"You dropped this. And congratulations" Coach said handing it back and taking the quarter
I saw Scott, look at Stiles. I chuckled again.

'Protective big brother hmm? Poor Stiles, shouldn't have a condom in his pocket. WAIT! Why does he have that!' I thought panicked

"Risk and reward. Put the quarter in the mug, win the reward" the man walked to the top of the class putting a cup on the ground
"Okay, watch Coach" he said bending down

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