2 - Insecurities

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(Bakugo's POV)

Kirishima and I were excused from classes for the next week since we were at the funeral. It was only us. Only me and Kirishima. He deserves more. Deku deserves more than this. He should be here at this school, not me. The entire week we were off, no one talked to me other than Kirishima. Everyone else hates me. Kiri says that my yelling at everyone doesn't help. I don't care. He can get everyone to like him, I don't care, all that I need is to be number one.

Today, Kirishima and I are going over notes in my room. We don't have to go to class, but we do have to keep up. They aren't going to slow down for us, especially me. The teachers are well aware of what I did to Midoriya. I'm surprised I wasn't expelled yet.

I place my hands on my head and groan. "What's the point of this?"

"Hm?" Kirishima hums, turning his attention towards me. "The point of what?"

"All of this," I respond. "What's the point of anything I'm doing? I'm a horrible person, I'll never even be a half decent hero."

"Where did that come from?" He looks over my shoulder. "If you need help with something, you should just ask."

"I'm fine, shitty hair," I growl.

"What makes you think you're a horrible person?"

"You know..." I turn my head towards the door. "That damn nerd... He wasn't a bad person. There was nothing wring with him. And yet..."

"Yeah, what you said isn't very manly," Kiri responds, "but you're still not a horrible person. Sure, you were a bully back then and sure, that led to some unfavorable outcomes, but..." He leans closer to me, keeping his eyes locked on mine. "You're the type to hide your true feelings through harsh words. You secretly love almost everyone, but refuse to admit it. Instead, you hurl insults at those who you see as an equal and act even worse to those who you acknowledge as higher than you. Unless it makes sense that they are, of course. To those weaker than you, though, you're good. You don't try to hurt them just because they're weak. Even when you're challenged by them, you know their limits. You would never kill someone on purpose, despite what you say."

"What are you saying?" I growl, pushing him away.

He grins. "I'm saying you're all bark and no bite."

I roll my eyes and cross my legs. "Whatever..."

"Hey, let's go out somewhere. We need to get your spirits up."

"Where would we go?"

"To the supermarket! We can get some chips or something."

"And do you have the money for that?"

"Right... I thought you would."


I lay down on my side, facing towards the door. Kiri's eyes are like a black hole. I've seen them this close many times before and every time, I can't get them out of my head. It takes a lot to tear my eyes away from them. I can't say I hate it. In fact, I kinda love it. I especially love hanging out with him. He's the only one who talks to me. He's the only one who's stayed by my side, even after everything I've done. He reads me like a book and it doesn't piss me off as much as it usually would. He's like Deku in some ways.

Shitty hair... Why is he so damn attached to me? What does he like about me? What is there to like about me? I'm just some loud dumbass who everyone can't help but hate. So why doesn't he? Is it because our quirks are compatible? His hardening is the perfect defense against my explosions. Even so, Yaoyorozu could easily go against my explosions, as well, and beat me easily with her creation quirk. She's still one of the people who hate me. And that kid, Subeta, could beat me in an instant with his quirk, as well.

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