Part 11

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Warnings: Mention of death and accidents, fluff
You woke up in the morning in a super comfy king-sized bed with all sheets wrapped around you. It felt so warm and cuddly... but so something was missing. You looked to your side, seeing an empty space only.

Where is Stephen?

You didn't really want to get up because you just couldn't get enough from how the bed smelled. Like him. But you managed it anyway and there you noticed that you were still naked, remembering last night's events.

Yeah... The night was pretty heated yesterday.

Your legs were still a bit sore but anyway. You put on your panties and found the shirt from Stephen, that he wore yesterday. You looked yourself in the mirror that was placed in a corner of the room, smiling at yourself when you saw that your form was clearly too small for his shirt. A slight blush making his way to your cheeks. And it smelled so much like him...

Then you opened the door and peeked out, looking for Stephen.

No sign of him.

So you walked out, wandering through the room and looked at the apartment a bit closely, cause yesterday you had had other things on your mind.

„How's my sleepy girlfriend doing?"

You jumped.

„Stephen! Don't sneak on me like that!"

Stephen laughed, but he stopped as soon as he saw the shirt you had on and how the sleeves were clearly too long. It made him blush too. You noticed something as well. His whole upper body part was revealed, and he only had pajama pants on. Oh, he was so hot. His chest was toned, and you were very well aware that he was trying to flex without you noticing, but you did. You found it really cute of him.

„I'm sorry I took your shirt. I don't know where I put my clothes last night."

Clearly a lie. This was intentional.

„You can wear it as long as you want. I like it. It suits you."

„Well, it really doesn't, but it's the whole point isn't it?" You extend your arms showing the overlapping sleeves.

„Come here." He rushed towards you, embracing you in a big tight hug and kissed your forehead. Everything about this moment was perfect. It made you giggle.

„What is it?" He asks you with a big smile on his face.

You look up at him, seeing him grin. „Nothing. It's just..." You raise your hand, caressing cheeks and looking into his blue eyes „I'm so happy."

With that he placed one finger under your chin and kissed you on the mouth. You were so glad that you both hadn't to go anywhere.

After you parted you asked: „Why did you leave the bed so early?"

He chuckled. „Early? It's nearly 1 PM."


„Yeah. You really were tired, huh?" he says tucking a strain of hair behind your ear.

„You could have woken me up."

„Nah. You were too adorable sleeping. It may sound creepy, but I watched you sleep for a while. Do you know that you talk in your sleep?"

You blushed hard. „Er- No. I didn't."

He caressed your cheek and gave you forehead a kiss. „It's cute."

„What did I say?"

„I have no idea." he chuckles.

„Good-„ Your belly made a sound, wanting to be fed.

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