Are you actually his girlfriend?

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Tw- panic attack, mention of rape

You woke up on the sofa. Alone.

Sighing, you looked around the room.

Everything was normal.

You eventually willed yourself to sit up.

Someone knocked at the door.

You groaned but waddled to the door nonetheless. You opened the door and there stood... a random man?

"Um hi?" You said confused. "Do you seriously not remember me?" He seemed a little hurt.

"No. Was I supposed to or something?" You was still confused.

"Picture you going into a store to get bandages, me taking you to the back and a well spent hour in a locked room," he winked.

Shit fuck shit fuck shit fuck.

"Go away," you said before slamming the door in his face.

Your breathing was heavy and unregulated.

Why why why why why why why why why why why why?

Your vision blurred and your hands became shaky.

Not again.

Your heart pounded heavily in your chest and thoughts raced through your mind.

He knew where you lived.

You migrated to the bathroom, so Tommy wouldn't be able to see you if he came downstairs.

You still had no idea where Clay was.

You leaned on the bathroom sink.

You stared at your reflection, unable to recognise who was staring back.

Suddenly, your knees buckled and you fell to the floor.

You scooted back into a corner.

Your mind replayed the events from that day over and over again.

No matter how much you wanted it to stop, it never did.

You kept on seeing him locking the door, undoing his belt, ripping his shirt off, forcing you.

You sobbed at the thoughts, unable to breathe.

It felt like your throat was closing up and you couldn't do anything to stop it.

After what felt like hours, your breathing finally slowed.

With shaky hands, you opened the bathroom door.

You peaked outside. The coast was clear.

You made a run for your bedroom, quietly closing the door behind you.

You collapsed onto your bed.

You picked up your phone. You had two messages from Clay:

I had to go home cuz my mum was coming over

Tell me when u wake up

You text back:

I'm awake now

He text back almost immediately.

How are you?

You laughed a little at how much he cared.

I'm fine. How are you?

He text back quickly.

I'm good :)

You turned off your phone.

You headed downstairs to get some breakfast. Don't eat. You will be fat.

You ignored your thoughts and ate some cereal.

You then got ready for the day.

You hadn't streamed in a while, so you decided to stream.

You just played around on minecraft for a couple of hours before ending.

Your viewers had dared you to do a 24 hour stream for a sub goal and they had hit it with ease.

You was going to do it in a few days, or whenever you had the energy.

You decided that you wanted some fresh air, so went to ask Tommy if he wanted to come.

You knocked on the door. "Come in!" He called.

You walked in to see him sat on his chair, ready to start a stream.

"I was just wondering if you wanna go on a walk?" You asked.

"I would but I have to stream now. Maybe tomorrow?" He suggested.

"Okay, have a good stream," you smiled before closing the door.

You walked downstairs, grabbing your phone and keys, and walking out the door.

You decided just to walk to the park as it was a 20 minute walk. Once you were there, you sat down on a bench.

You thought you heard.. Clay? No. That can't be right.

You looked around and saw Clay walking around with a young teenaged looking girl. She also had dirty blonde hair with blinding green eyes.

"Clay!" You called out happily, standing up to walk to him. He perked up at the mention of his name and looked around until his eyes met yours.

A smile appeared on his face when he saw you. You saw him say something to the girl before they both walked over.

"Hello y/n!" He greeted happily. "Hiya!" You smiled.

"This is my sister, drista," he gestured towards the girl.

"Hi drista," you said.

"Hello!" She said with a smile.

You smiled back.

"She is forcing me to meet up with her boyfriend or something," he explained.

"He isn't my boyfriend. I have told you this a million times. But it looks like y/n is your girlfriend as you never stop talking about her," she smirked.

Clay turned pink along with you. "Your such an idiot," Clay said, nudging her.

"Where are you taking her?" You asked. "They are supposed to be meeting here," he explained.

You nodded to show you understood.

The three of you sat on the bench you was sat on merely minutes ago.

"Are you actually his girlfriend?" Drista whispered to you.

"Nope. Does he really talk about me a lot?" You asked shyly.

"He never stops," she snickered. You felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Clay asked, looking up from his phone.

"Nothing," you both said at the same time. Clay gave a suspicious look.

"Oh look he is here now. Bye!" Drista said, almost skipping over to a brown-haired boy.

You and Clay just walked around, talking about random things, until he got a text that drista needed to be picked up.

You said your goodbyes and parted ways.

Tommy's sister (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now