they know

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Tw- mention of self harm, panic attack

He looked at you for a second, seemingly contemplating what to say.

"So how are you doing?" He completely avoided the question. You started to get angry. "What do you mean 'how am I doing'? I fall in love with you, you cheat on me, I move to another country and somehow you are here?!" You snapped.

"Come on y/n calm down. It's not a big deal," he reasoned. "Maybe to you it's not."

You got up to leave, but he grabbed your arm. You yelped in pain. He sighed, pulling you back onto the bench and rolling up your sleeve. "At it again I see," he pushed you away, shaking his head.

You rolled back down your sleeve hastily. "Leave me alone," you stormed away, beginning to break down. You are such a baby. All you do is cry. There are people a lot worse off than you are. Stop overreacting. It's not a big deal.

The same words were being chanted by a little voice in your head. "Y/n?" Your name being called slipped you back to reality.

You scanned your eyes around the park, looking for anyone you recognised, before your eyes landed on Clay.

He walked over to you. He stopped in his tracks when he realised you were crying. "What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"I can see your not fine. You can tell me anything. I won't judge you."

"It's just Jason- my ex. I don't know how he found me here," more tears flooded out of your eyes.

"Can I please have a hug?" You almost whispered. He nodded and opened up his arms for you.

-time skip (four weeks)-

It had been four weeks since you had seen Jason. You hadn't seen or heard from him since the encounter.

You and Clay had gotten a lot closer, small things he did made you blush or made a swarm of butterflies erupt in your stomach, no matter how hard you tried to stop it. You now talked to each other every day.

George, Wilbur and Nick had gone home. Clays house was relatively close to yours, just a 20 minute drive.

You had also started streaming, encouraged by Tommy, Clay and their fans.

You had been on one of Daryl's streams and you texted him often, you and nick were closer and you and George streamed with Clay a lot, you also talked often.

Daryl had arranged for a hot wings stream in around an hour, and you were both excited and terrified.

You had just showered, and was doing your makeup as you would be turning on your face cam.

You hadn't cut yourself in almost two weeks, and many of your cuts were healing well. It was now hot and you didn't want to overheat wearing a jumper, so you put on a load of bracelets and covered them up with makeup.

You had just finished putting on some mascara, eyeliner, clear lipgloss and highlighter.

You got out your powder and concealer and began to cover up your many scars. You knew that if the fans found out, there would be mixed reactions, and definitely people who would get triggered by the not yet fully healed cuts.

You only covered up the cuts on your arm, not your wrist, as the ones on your wrist would be covered by the bracelets, and they were more healed.

You straightened your hair and threw on an oversized T-shirt with leggings. You then joined the discord call.

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