7. you have quite the attitude

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song lyrics italicized 


kendall- holy shit why is the math hw so hard

y/n- literallyyyy, who expects high schoolers to do 5 pages of pre-cal in 1 night

kendall- wait just ask evan for the answers, he finishes them in like 10 minutes anyways 

y/n- yeah true, ill lyk if he has them

y/n- oh btw me evan and a few friends are hanging out at the beach this weekend if u wanna come

kendall- yeah fs, do you want  me to drive with u and evan or drive my car

y/n- you could probably drive with liam if you want to since evans car is gonna be pretty full

kendall- alr cool ill ft u later tonight so u can give me details

after school started, Kendall and I became super close friends since we have 3 classes together. I'm so ready to graduate though. 12 years of torture, well I guess grade school wasn't too bad. I just need to make sure I pass my classes this year to graduate... pass my classes.... oh yeah I have to text Evan

y/n- heyy do you have the answers for Petersons pre cal hw

<3- duh, I finished it in class

y/n- ofc you did, can you send it to me pls

<3- lemme guess, kendall needs it

y/n- and me 

<3- imagine being a dumbass 

*attachment 5 images*

y/n- thank youuuuu

are you excited for the beach this weekend

<3- ofc, you're riding with me 

y/n- like I wasn't?

<3- just making sure you knew

y/n- I'm gonna ride with kendall just to piss you off

<3- go ahead babe, see what happens 

y/n- were not dating you don't get to call me that

<3- ahh so that's what we're gonna do? ill pick u up in 10 wear smth nice 

y/n- I'm not even home rn 

<3- fine ill give you 20 minutes 

Evan pisses me off sometimes, in a nice way I guess. If he's taking me to a restaurant I'm not eating, I literally just got food. I know it's been over a month since we started talking but I'm kind of purposely giving him mixed signals just to see what he'll do.

He's obviously a very dominant person so I know that if he really did want me, he would have no trouble getting me, I like that about him though. I love how he can command me with just his eyes. I just know what he's telling me to do by the way he looks at me. The subtleties in his expressions and movements almost give more direction than his words.

I drive home and put on the dark red slip dress he bought me. I honestly was scared the first time he started buying me things, usually when a guy buys you something expensive he is hoping for a little something in return. Evans never asked me for anything like that, I mean we haven't even had sex yet which I definitely thought would have happened by now. 

Taking it slow though has definitely given us a chance to get to know each other without that aspect. We're not even together yet, it's not like I'm saving myself for marriage or anything, but I'm also not a one and done type of person.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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