5. took my breath away

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I signaled with my eyes that I wanted him to kiss me again so he wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me in closer, now aggressively kissing me.

One hand on the back of his neck and the other entangled in his hair we stumbled around while kissing. He eventually just picked me up by my waist and set me on top of the picnic table forcing himself between my legs.

Still, with one hand on my lower back pulling me into him he slowly brought one hand up my chest and reset it on my neck. I was scared he was going to choke me but he just maneuvered his hand around my neck.

I forced my head back in pleasure almost inviting him to kiss my neck and he began giving me hickeys.

"fuckkkk" I moaned as he felt his way around my neck with his tongue

"(y/n).." he moaned as I ran my fingers through his hair 

"(y/n)!" he moaned once more causing me to smirk


 I shook my head, blinking rapidly at him with a confused look on my face.

"All I asked was what time you needed to be home" he looked at me with a puzzled look "you good? I think the joint hit you a little too hard"

Oh my fucking god I just had a whole sex hallucination with him right in front of me. I need to stop mixing Adderall and weed.

"Oh um I have till 8 probably, but ill be out every day so we can hang again tomorrow"

fuck I hope that wasn't too direct, we've only just met, I can't be going around making plans yet

"Yeah for sure do you remember how to get here?"

I stood and thought for a second "I can't even remember where I am so I doubt it" 

He combed his hair back with his fingers and smirked "well, be up by 10am then"

"what wh-"

he covered my mouth with his hand 

"be up by 10am" he turned around and took a seat at the picnic table

I was confused about what he meant by that but I guess ill be setting an alarm tonight.

I spun around to face him and climbed up to sit on top of the table

"what do you think about listening to some music?" he said as he traced a design on my leg with his finger 

"yeah for sure, you get to chose though" I did this because I wanted to see what kind of music he's into. If he starts playing rap I'm out of here, just saying. 

All of a sudden I hear the opening part of Gutter Girl by Hot Flash Heat Wave. A man of taste, I like it


It had been a good 4 hours of listening to music and walking around some of the trails. It was starting to get dark so were walked back to my house. At this point, we were at the concrete ramp so we could see my house from there. 

"This is my stop" I said as I turned around to face him 

He smiled down at me and before I could even react, I felt his soft lips on mine

His kissing was even better than I could imagine. It didn't last long but it definitely took my breath away. 

As he pulled away he smiled while biting his lip "10 am you better be ready" 

I smiled and rolled my eyes. Turning away to walk towards my house I could feel him looking at me just as I felt the first time I saw him at the ramp. I fought the urge to turn around and look back at him in case he was still looking at me 

I was about halfway to my house so I thought the coast would be clear to turn around, but sure enough, when I looked behind me he was still standing with his hands in his pockets watching me.

I just flipped him off and kept walking home. Butterflies were filling my stomach the more and more I thought about him. 

The mysterious brown-haired boy wasn't so mysterious anymore, I guess you would describe him more as intriguing. 

After getting home I set my alarm to 10am and fell back on my bed to stare at the ceiling fan again.


766 words

I was trying to finish quickly to not leave the last chapter at such a cliff-hanger

Don't forget to vote and eat your fruit, love youuu byeeee

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