Chapter 19

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"What's wrong!" Allison says worried rushing in.

Five and I both turn around to face Allison and point at Marco. Allison nods in understanding of what we meant.

"I heard a rumor, that you told us if and why you shape-shifted in to Five."

"Yes, I shape-shifted in to Five because Lila, Rachel, and I thought it wasn't a good idea for them two to be together."

"And why not?!" Five says stepping closer to Marco.

"Five, calm down a bit" I say then grab Marco by his shirt, "and why do you guys think that?"
Five and Allison take a step back, giving me some space.

"Because, they might not be trustworthy!" He looks at Five and Allison, "they might want to kill us!"

"Do they look capable of doing that?" I look at Five and Allison, "no offense."

"But how do you know for sure?"

"Because I know Five, be wouldn't try anything on my family!" I let go of his shirt pushing him back.

"If you say so."

"And you're lucky they're here because if not I would've killed you! Try something like that again you're dead! Literally!" I leave.

"And I would gladly join her in killing you." Five says following me out.

"Same here." Allison says also walking out.

As I'm walking back to my room, and Five behind me, I see Diego leaning on the door frame in front of my room.

"What are you doing here?" I say walking past him into my room and siting on my bed.

"I'm curious as to what Five said earlier." He answers.

"What did I say?" Five says also walking in to the room sitting next to me on the bed.

"Are you guys gonna let me in?"

"I guess you can come in."

"Thanks." He comes in and closes the door behind him, then sits at my desk.

"Oh wait, Five here." Five says taking the necklace out of his pocket.

"Oh, right, thanks" I move my hair for Five to put the necklace on me, "I'm sorry about that."

"It's alright" He says then turns to Diego, "now Diego, what is it you wanted?"

"Earlier when you were yelling at me, you said something about your relationship?"

"Yeah" He says nervously.

"And, your asking why?" I say.

"Are you guys together?"

"...Well, um-"

I interrupt him before he could say anything.

"Right now, we decided that Five needs to figure out how to get you guys home." I say grabbing his hand and rubbing it with my thumb.

"Yeah" Five agrees.

"So you're not together?"

"Technically, I guess not." I answer.

"Alright, I was just surprised. I never thought Five would be able to find someone like you." He says looking at me.

Five and I look at each other and smile then look back at Diego.

"Me neither." Five says.

"Well I guess I'll just leave you guys." He walks out.

I lay my head on Five's shoulder.

"Today's been, interesting." I laugh a little.

"Yeah" He laughs a bit too, "you tired?" He says looking at me.

"Very" I answer, "I slept on the floor last night."

"I did too. You should take a nap."

"Me? Nap? Funny!" I say lifting my head up and looking at Five.

"Why not?"

"Two nights ago was the first time I've gotten some decent sleep since I was 13. Falling asleep after everything that happened is kind of hard."

"I know. I haven't either" he pauses for a second, "so that means we should get drunk!"

"No!" I say quickly, "thats not what that means!"

"I was kidding" he laughs, "if we both get drunk who's gonna take care of us?"

"The rest of the academies."

"Exactly, so that's a bad idea."

"Yeah, that's probably not gonna end well."

"Probably wouldn't. But I need to get back, I've wasted enough time today." He says letting go of my hand and standing up.

"I'm sorry about that, again." I say also standing up.

"It's alright, it wasn't your fault."

"Next time anything like that happens, I'm gonna pull your ears."


"That's Marco's weakness. If you pull his ears, he'll unshape-shift."

"Good to know."

"I guess, but you should go, I don't want you to waste any more time."

"Alright, bye angel." He kisses my head then starts to walk out.

"Bye," I smile.

He walks away smiling and laughing a little.

I decide to go to Kevin's room to talk to him.

I knock on the door.

"Come in." Kevin says.

I go in and close the door behind me.

"Hey Kev."

"Hey Five, what's up?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask how you be been. Haven't really had a chance to ask."

"I've been fine. It's just been hard to deal with all of them, without you. You were always pretty mature."

"Yeah, everybody's the exact same as when I left. I thought ever time they'd change, but they didn't. They all act like children." I laugh a little.

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