Chapter 16

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"You promise?"

"Yes. I will never hurt your family."


"Alright, I'm gonna go back upstairs."

"Okay. Let me know if you need any help with that."

"Alright." He leaves.

Klaus walks over to the table and sits in front of me.

"Sooooooo?" He says.

"'Sooooooo' what?" I ask.

"What did you guys talk about?"

"Just normal stuff. Nothing special."

"Oh really?"

I give him the 'what?' look.

"Then what was all that talk about promises?"

"Really Klaus? You were listening?!"

"Yes, and I heard! So, tell me!" He puts his elbows on the table and his hands under his chin, "I'm listening!"

"He just promised he wouldn't hurt my family. That's all." I shrug.

"Five? Promising to not hurt anybody? That's amazing!"

I role my eyes.

"Are you serious?" I say.

"You're really powerful you know?"

"You think so?" I say unconvinced.

"Uh, ya! Like you could probably tell Five to stop talking forever and he'll listen!"

"Okay, I don't think he'll go that far." I laugh.

"You never know until you try!"

"I guess, but I don't think so."

"Could you at least try though? For me!"

"No, Klaus!"

"Why not!" He whines.

"Because Five isn't a guinea pig for your entertainment."

"I never said he was!"

"You implied it though."


"No Klaus!" I stand up, "I'm going to my room!"

"Okay, aNgEl!"

"Don't call me that!" I say kind of mad

"But Five calls you that!"

"Yeah that's Five, not you!"

"Fine, I'll just let your boyfriend call you that!"

"Oh my gosh!" I roll my eyes and leave to my room.

"Love you!" He says as I walk away.

I decided that I wanted to finish reading the book Ben let me barrow so that I could give it back to him. About an hour later I finish it and decide to look through my room since I haven't in a while. First I go through the drawers in my desk and find a $5 bill with a sticky note on it that says 'give this to Ben'.

"Hmm, I wonder what that was about?" I grab it and go to Ben's room to ask him if he remembered anything about it.

I get there and knock on the door.

"Come in." Ben says.

"Hey, I was just wondering if you remember anything about this?" I hand him the money with sticky note.

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