50 Girls Names Starts with O

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1} Olivia - The peace of an olive tree

2} Ora - One of esteemed honour ✰

3} Odette - Wealth ✰

4} Ocean - Ocean

5} Opal - A gem

6} Odessa - Angry man ✰

7} Octavia - Eighth ✰

8} Odilia - Praise God

9} Oma - Leader

10} Osanna - We pray

11} Orly - Light

12} Oriane - Sunrise

13} Orrnett - Eagle Ruler

14} Ondine - Little wave

15} Oriole - Golden

16} October - The eighth month

17} Ophelia - Help ✰

18} Olive - Olive tree

19} Oona - One

20} Orella - Announcement from the Gods

21} Omega - The end

22} Oakley - Meadow of oak trees ✰

23} Odyssey - Son of pain ✰

24} Obelia - Needle

25} Oda - Riches

26} Onyx - A stone

27} Oni - Born of sacred ground

28} Ozella - God

29} Ollie - Olive

30} Olympia - From Mount Olympus

31} Opaline - a Jewel

32} Oprah - One who turned her back

33} Onika - Who is greater than God

34} Ori - My light

35} Olena - Shining light

36} Olga - Blessed

37} Onthatile - God loves me

38} Orla - Golden princess

39} Olaya - She who speaks well

40} Olean - Son of Leon

41} Omni - All

42} Orchid - Flower

43} Ousha - Positivity, independence

44} Orlaith - Golden princess

45} Odele - Song

46} Onesty - Honesty 

47} Oak - Oak tree

48} Ondraya - Gift of God ✰

49} Orielle - Golden ✰

50} Oagile - They have built  

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