Chapter 2 ~ Un-named beauty ~

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~Mason's P.O.V. ~

I can’t believe that I have to move to a town, so small it could fit in L.A. 20 times. I had to leave all my friends not to mention my girlfriend. Why couldn’t I just live with Tim till I finished high school? I mean seriously I’m a Sophomore, 2 years and I’ll graduate it’s not like it’s that long to live with my older brother. I mean he is a musician, it’s not like he doesn’t have the money. It’s that he doesn’t have the time. He's always gone, it’s either a gig or a tour or a recording session. I just wish I could see him more often. Like the way things used to be before he was famous. You see my brother is, Tim McGraw. Yes, yes, I know. You love him, he's awesome, and he’s a great singer, blah b-blah b-blah. Yeah well ever since he got his big break he's hasn’t really been the same. I just wish that things could be like old times. When we were younger he always used to be there for me. I remember one time he beat up some kid cause he had stolen my lunch money.

I really wish we didn’t have to move so far away. I mean come on, we're moving to Texas, Texas! Of all places. I'm not a country boy. I know my bro sings country, but I grew up in the city. I'm just a city boy. Who's gonna stand out like a sore thumb in Texas, but of course dad had to inherit grandmas ranch in little ole' Freer, Texas. We were never really close with grandma, I mean of course we came to visit every once and a while but, to be honest I figured she would just leave the land to her neighbors, she was closer with them than she was with us. I don’t see what she liked so much about her neighbors. We never got to meet them.

The plane ride was long...but to be honest I slept through most of it. I never really minded flying, when I was little and Tim had just gotten his big break, we always few to go see him preform. I’m a pretty good looking guy I mean don’t get me wrong I’m not all cocky and think that I’m better than everybody or anything. However, I don’t think I belong in Texas.

I mean come on. How cliché is this? I grew up in LA and I have bleach blond hair, blue eyes and wash board abs. Plus, I was quarterback of the football team, captain of the basketball team, and pitcher of the baseball team. Back at my old school, everybody knew who I was, not who my brother was, and I liked it better that way. I don’t know how it’s gonna be here. I don’t think anyone even knows that Tim McGraw has a younger brother, much less two. Yeah, I have a younger brother named Kadeen (pronounced K- den). He’s 5 and he looks just like me. I know most high school guys with younger brothers always seem to think that they are annoying, but my little brother is super sweet and he’s a great friend. (His name actually means friend) He looks up to me and inspires me to be the best person I can be.

Only, there’s one more thing. I'm epileptic. Most people don’t know what that means; well let me help you understand. It means I have seizures. They vary in severity and there is no pattern as to how many you have in a certain amount of time. Some people only have one in there whole life. It’s just I’m not that lucky. I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 10. I'm 16 now, as of November 21. I have not had to live with it for long but, since I was diagnosed I have had, about 75 seizures. Only a handful of them were really bad. Although, I can’t really tell you much about what happens when having a seizure. I can only tell you what I have been told, because when I wake up I don’t feel very good. And it’s not like a stomach ache or head’s like my whole body feels like I fell down a flight of stairs or something. And sometimes I chew my mouth up. You see when a seizure starts it can happen many different ways, most people know about the strobe light thing, only that doesn’t really happen often. Most of the time a simple seizure occurs where the epileptic starts to fee disoriented and then they pass out. After that the body locks up and begins to shake violently. The worst thing you can do is hold them down because, for some reason they get like super strength and can really hurt somebody. All you can do is keep them away from things that can hurt them. And that’s why my mother insisted that I have a caretaker while at school. I don’t like the idea but, I managed to convince her to allow one of my peers to be my caretaker. I don’t know who it is...yet. All I know is that she is 15, she is a sophomore (like me) and her mom has she knows how to deal with seizures.

Well, I’m in our car now and we just turned onto the dirt road that will take us to the house. The moving van is following close behind us with all the new and old furniture for our house. I just hope this turns out better than I think it will. Maybe it won’t be so bad. Heck, for all I know my "caretaker" could be drop dead gorgeous. I just hope, I’m that lucky.


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