Dont you wish you were me?

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So imagine this, you’re a nerd who loves; music, theatre, art, and your amazing at all of these plus your extremely smart. Now add; anger issues, possible schizophrenia, an older sister, a dad who's never home, and a mom who’s epileptic. Not to mention you’re constantly picked on by just about everybody at school except for a select group of people who you consider your "friends", but in reality you only have 1 true friend and she's the nerdest girl on campus. Don't you just wish you had this life...? NOT!

So, what does the sweet misunderstood, troubled, and intelligent, Emily Storm, do when the new kid, who is incredibly hot and not to mention amazing at sports, plus smart and popular, is tossed into every one of her classes. Then, when she's called into the office, which never happens to her. The new kid, Mason McGraw, is sitting with the principle waiting for her, she figured it was just about another rumor she had to hear about herself, or she would have to show him around school since no one else could be trusted out of class the whole day, but nothing could've prepared her for what the principle was about to say. Those few little words changed her life forever. "Mason is epileptic and we want you to watch over him during school hours."

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