~{Chapter 11}~

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No one's POV:

12 days before izuku's heat:

Izuku was currently chatting with he's best friend Uraraka, he had decided earlier that day that he would visit he's best friend before he went into he's heat, even though he had less then 2 weeks before he's heat him and katsuki would have to set up a room for them to stay in during there heat/Rut, Izuku also suggested that they do so and stay in said room for a few days before so they could get comfortable to which katsuki agreed to.

So now, he was gunna hand out with Uraraka before he has to prepare for all of that.

Uraraka looked at Izuku with a smile "So how have you been?" She asked as she made food for them

Izuku smiled back "I've been good, though I do have to get ready for my heat and that's gunna be time consuming as fuck" Izuku said with a sigh of frustration

Uraraka gave a look of sympathy "Oh right, your heats... Do you maybe wanna hide out here again? I wouldn't mind" Uraraka said with a smile

Izuku shook he's head "No I've got a plan this time, but thanks for the invitation" Izuku said with a reasuring smile

Uraraka nodded "If your sure" Uraraka said with an "I don't believe you" look on her face

Izuku gave a tierd yawn "Fuuuucccckkkkkk" he said as he rubbed he's eyes

Uraraka came over and started to play with he's hair in order for him to relax, Izuku always found comfort in physical contact, especially soothing contact like head pats, cuddles, playing with he's hair, and of course forehead kisses, becouse who doesn't like forehead kisses?

Anyway, Izuku leaned into Uraraka's side as she continued to play with he's hair "So were you able to sell all that stuff for food? Becouse I swear if I find out you've been skipping meals I'll force feed you" she said sternly

Oh did I forget to mention she has no idea about katsuki and him Living with him? Oh I did? All well, Izuku chuckled "Yeah, I've been eating though I'm still kinda more skinny then I should be" he said truthfully,

Uraraka nodded "well you'll get there, it just takes time when it comes to stuff like that, especially when your so used to going to bed hungry or not eating at all" Uraraka said with a sad smile

Izuku nodded "Yeah sadly... But as you said, I'll get there" he said with a smile

Uraraka smiled whole heartedly "Now one of the only ways to get there is to eat, so eat up my child!" She said, then she went and grabbed the food and brought it over to the table "Dig in!" She yelled as she got her own food ready and on a plate

Izuku giggled "Hell yeah! Your cheese pouches are the bomb!" He said (I will not exsplain) he yelled as he put salsa on it and began to eat like he's life depended on it

Uraraka also started to eat with a smile, she new Izuku loved her cheese pouches which also just so happened to be he's mother's, she never had the chance to make it for him...

After they ate Izuku gave a warm smile at he's friend "Well I have to get going, I gotta get stuff for my heat I'll see ya in a few weeks" Izuku said as he went and hugged Uraraka

Uraraka hugged back "Of course, now if I find out a man hurts you I'll kill them, remember that" she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek as a goodbye

Izuku nodded "Bye stay safe!" He said as he left, he could hear a faint "I should be telling you that" before he closed the door

Izuku went to the beginning of the forest, he grabbed onto a branch and lifted hemself up into the tree, once he was up he started to run, climb, jump, and of course do fancy tricks while doing so becouse Izuku is flexible and a show off, a likeable show off. As Izuku continued to go threw the trees effortlessly he couldn't help but want to sing, he was usually very wary about singing especially around people but right now he had an urge to sing, so he desided to go to he's and katsuki's old hang out spot, to the tree he had visited only a few months ago, the place he had been avoiding for years, the place that held good and bad memories. Anyway, he started to go in that direction and soon enough, he was there.

(There hang out spot)

Izuku stopped to look at it before he went over to the tree and layed agenst it, he remembers when him and katsuki would just hang around here and just tell funny stories.

Before Izuku could go threw memory lane be remembered that he came here to sing, and intended on doing so.

(Pretend he sang that, I'm not writting down all of that sorry not sorry T-T)

After Izuku was finished singing he heard clapping (Not that type of clapping) beside him, Izuku's shot open and he's head snapped to the side of him, where he saw katsuki with a smug smirk on he's face

Katsuki gave Izuku a pat on the head "Nice singing nerd" he said,

Izuku gave a frustrated sigh "Mother fucker, how did you get there without me knowing?" Izuku asked as he layed he's head back onto the tree

Katsuki shrugged "I wasn't actually being that carful you were just so cought up in your singing that you didn't hear me" katsuki said truthfully

Izuku nodded "Makes sense, but why are you here?" Izuku opened he's eyes again so he could look at katsuki

Katsuki sighed "Well it's been a force of habit, I always come here when your not around so I would remember the good memories of us being together" katsuki stated truthfully

Izuku looked away "A-And how long have you been d-doing this?" Izuku asked

Katsuki turned to look at Izuku "For as long as I can remember..." Katsuki said with a sad smile

Izuku frowned "I'm sorry... I probably should have come back here at least once.." Izuku stated as he brought he's hand up to play with katsuki's surprisingly soft hair

Katsuki closed he's eyes "You apologize to much, besides you waited for 2 years and I never came, I can't blame you for losing hope after so long" katsuki stated

Izuku nodded "First, you know for a damn fact that I can't just stop apologizing becouse I've been doing it for years, second I didn't lose hope" Izuku said matter of factly

Katsuki opened he's eyes once again and raised a brow "What do you mean you didn't lose hope?" Katsuki asked

Izuku sighed for what felt like that millionth time "I stopped coming here after my mother's death, that's when I had to start fending for myself so I couldn't just go off and do whatever I wanted anymore." Izuku stated

Katsuki's eyes widened "The same day you escaped..." Katsuki said in realization

Izuku nodded "Yeah..." Izuku quickly got up and dusted hemself off "Welp no time for pity! Let's get going yeah?" Izuku held out he's hand for katsuki

Katsuki taking the hint took he's hand and then they started to head back to the castle.

Sorry I didn't update I'm trying to but I have some family stuff going on, though I'm still trying to.

Anyway bye problem children
Word count: 1,275

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