~{Chapter 9}~

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No one's POV:

Izuku was currently running threw the trees and away from a very angry alpha that could jump and climb threw trees, just like him.

He new he shouldn't have been out that day but he really didn't want to stay cooped up in there like he had been for the past week, so he desided to visit he's best friend Uraraka, though on the way there he had run into a very big, very mad, and very horny alpha. Said alpha had went over to Izuku trying to get him into bed with him, Izuku of course said no and tried to leave so he could visit Uraraka, the alpha didn't like that very much...

The alpha grabbed onto Izuku's arm making him stay in place, the alpha started letting out hormones to make Izuku submit, though Izuku wasn't going down without a fight. So what'd he do? He kicked him in the dick then when the alpha let go so he could cover he's jewels Izuku climbed up into the tree and ran like hell, though not long after he could hear and smell the alpha running after him and as much as that scared Izuku he wasn't gunna have sex with this low life alpha.

Izuku continued to run like hell threw everything, Izuku wanted to go to Uraraka but if the alpha had gotten to her... He wouldn't be able to forgive hemself, so Izuku ran like hell to the king's Castle or more likely katsuki, he should be in he's room so if Izuku were to run fast enough he could at least hide in katsuki's room if katsuki wasn't there to help him

Izuku ran to the rock and grabbed he's grappling hook, he shot it at the top of katsuki's window and as soon as he new it was secure he grabbed onto it but he didn't get far seeing as he was grabbed by someone and threw to the side.

The alpha grabbed onto Izuku's hair and brought he's head up "That was a very naughty thing to do~ now I gotta punish you~" he said with lust

Izuku let out a growl "LET ME GO YOU SON OF BITCH!" Izuku yelled as loud as he could, he was praying that he'd get out of this situation but he had a feeling he wouldn't. Izuku put up a fight but the man was releasing a lot of hormones and it was starting to take a toll on him, just when Izuku was about to lose hope he was suddenly released from the other alpha's grip and he could now smell another alpha's hormones and he could recognize them from anywhere,

It was katsuki and he was releasing a lot of angry hormones, like a lot.

Katsuki let out a low growl "What the fuck do you think your doing scum?" He asked, the other alpha couldn't respond do to the amount of hormones he was letting out, katsuki growled and went over to Izuku to see if he was okay, "Hey nerd, you okay? Did he hurt you?" Katsuki asked

Izuku's breathing was heavy "K-Kachan... Your hormones..." Izuku said as he layed on the ground trying to breath

Katsuki quickly realized when he meant and stopped releasing angry hormones and started to release soothing hormones for Izuku "Shit I'm sorry" katsuki quickly apologized he picked up Izuku, then he brought him and Izuku to he's room, he layed Izuku down on he's bed.

Katsuki held Izuku in he's arms as he rubbed he's back and played with he's hair, Izuku finally got back on a steady breathing pattern and spoke "Thanks for helping me princy" he said softly

Katsuki held Izuku close with a small smile "no problem baby" katsuki said as he took in a big whiff of Izuku's scent to calm him down

Izuku let out a breath "How did you know I was in trouble?" Izuku asked

Katsuki sneckerd "Well I heard you scream "LER ME GO YOU SON OF A BITCH" and I could smell your distress hormones so I ran as fast as I could to get to you" katsuki said

Izuku nodded "Yep sounds legit" Izuku said as he got out of katsuki's grasp and walked over to the window

Katsuki looked at Izuku "What are you doing?" Katsuki asked as he sat up

Izuku sat down and let one of he's legs fall out of the window and swing lazily "Just thinking..." Izuku said as he looked lost in thought

Katsuki got off the bed and walked over to Izuku "Thinking about what?" Katsuki asked with a raised brow

Izuku sighed "Just... Just about one of the first times a alpha tried to... Take me as there own" Izuku said with a sad smile

Katsuki's eyes widened "This has happened before?!" Katsuki asked well more like yelled but we're not gunna talk about that.

Izuku chuckled dryly "Yeah, it was one of the main reasons that I decided to move into that little cabin out there" Izuku said

Katsuki looked out at the forest then back at Izuku "Did any of them... Succeed?" Katsuki asked carefully

Izuku nodded "Once... It was when I had my first heat, I was out getting some groceries and on my way back home my heat came and a alpha found me... I tried to get away but I wasn't strong enough to escape him so I ended up losing my virginity to that awful man... Lucky for me my heat only lasted 5 days, though those 5 days were the worst days of my life. When I was finally able to leave I want home as quick as I could, that was also the day I found out my mother had died while looking for me..." Izuku exsplaind while tearing up

Katsuki looked at Izuku wide eyed, he was raped for 5 days straight and then when he was finally able to escape he found out he's only living family and the only person that loved him had died,

Izuku wiped he's tears before continuing "That was when I decided to move into that cabin, I already went there when I needed time to myself so all I had to do was move some stuff from my old home and I lived there for most of my life so far, but now I'm here living with Mr Pomeranian Royalty" Izuku said with a smerk as looked at katsuki

Katsuki sighed shook he's head "Your a moron. You tell me you were raped for 5 days straight and now your making jokes? What the fuck deku?" Katsuki asked with a what is wrong with you tone

Izuku rolled he's eyes "Bold of you to assume I even know what's wrong with me" Izuku said with a smerk

Katsuki rubbed he's temple "This is gunna be my future boyfriend... How lovely" katsuki said under he's breath but Izuku could still hear it

Izuku shrugged "Well you could always just let me leave, you could end the challenge and find an actual good wife and-" Izuku was cut off by a kiss,

Izuku eyes widened in shock, katsuki pulled away still cupping izuku's check "If you think for one minute that I'll take back my word and leave you alone then your out of your damn mind, becouse there ain't no way in hell I'm leaving you understand?" Katsuki said as he put there foreheads together

Izuku still being I'm shock blinked a few times, once everything katsuki had said settled into izuku's brain he started to tear up

Katsuki wiped away a tear and spoke in a gentil voice "Understand?" Katsuki said once again as he looked into he's omegas beautiful emerald green eyes

Izuku closed he's eyes letting more tears fall "Looks like you might just win the bet kachan" Izuku said as he shook he's head with a tierd smile

Katsuki cupped izuku's other cheek "Are you saying you love me teddy bear?" Katsuki asked with a fond smile

Izuku brought he's hand up to hold katsuki's hand and leaned into he's touch "You know kachan... I think I am" Izuku said as he let out a sigh

Katsuki smiled wildly, he then gave Izuku a gentle and loving kiss and this time Izuku kissed back.

ThEy ArE fiNaLy gEttInG toGeThEr! YAyyyyYYyyYyyyyY

Anyway bye :3
Word count: 1,402

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