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After my mother helped me pack this morning we left to go buy myself a wand, pet and some books and uniform. I ended up getting a grey fluffy cat with glowing green eyes and named it Bella to remember my mother by. There were a few students at Diagon Ally but most of them were at the Express already.

At the Hogwarts express I said goodbye to my mom and got on the train. I started to walk down the corridors and finally found a partly empty cart with a blond short haired attractive tall boy and a girl with silky black hair sitting facing each other not making eye contact.

"Uhm can I sit here p-please?" I stuttered "All the other carts are full.." I asked the gorgeous blond boy.

He looked at me strangely up and down then smirked, "Sure cutie".

I rolled my eyes "Thanks.." I scoffed and sat next to the dark haired girl.

"Hi I'm Pansy you?" She asked as she pulled out a half eaten chocolate frog and started to eat it.

"It's y/n I'm new here!" I said and looked at the blond boy who was just staring intensely at me now.

"Draco, Draco Malfoy." He spat as he started to eat an apple.

I turned back to Pansy "Wanna be friends I guess?" I said.

"Sure" Pansy replied as she finished her chocolate frog.

The train finally arrived at Hogwarts after a few hours all the students got off onto boats while I decided I would fly on broom instead since I hate water so I grabbed my bags and pushed my way out the exit along with all the other students.

I kinda knew how to ride a broom from that one class my mother taught me. "Up!" I demanded and got on and started to fly over the lake towards the quidditch field.

While flying I felt a knock on my broom "Out of the way!" I heard a boy scream. He tapped again and we both went tumbling towards the ground at the center of the field.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" The boy screamed as he climbed off me.

"ME? YOU PUSHED ME OFF THE FUCKING BROOM!" I shouted opening my eyes.

I was shocked to see a guy with rough black hair, smooth pale skin and grey shiny eyes staring at me me with coldness. Woah he was so hot.

"Staring are we?" He said smirking as he grabbed my tie and pulled me closer to him.

"N-no and let go off my tie now!" I stuttered.

"What if I don't?" He spat leaning in closer to my face grinning. What a dick.

I pulled out my wand at to his neck and smirked leaning in to tease him. "I'm not one of your little bitches now leave me alone before you regret it."

"This isn't over." He let me go and walked off without saying anything into the distance, I followed him close behind cause I didn't know where the entrance was. I followed him into a dark corridor and he disappeared out of sight.

Huh? I thought to myself as I started trying to find my way. All of a sudden a cold hand grabbed me and pinned me to the wall. It was the boy again. "Following me now love?"

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