Death's bride

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"Every time the planets align,

Death will have to pick a bride,

one of those who sees him, yet he would not fall in love.

Then, after many years,

he will postpone a bride, and pick another from her lineage.

Then, and only then, will Death find love,

and Life and Death can unite."


Lily is Seer. What is a Seer?, you may ask. It's one whose sixth sense is stronger then everyone else's, one who sees unnatural stuff, one who sees Death. Lily did not chose to be a Seer, she just wants to be a normal teenage kid. But what happens when Death comes for her? No, not for her to die, but for her to be his bride.

Status: : Completed

Author: : XcHocolateXluver

My Opinion: :

Well it is one awsome story, I was hooked with it and couldnt stop reading untill reading all three parts .. Guilty as charged. Loved it!!

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