Where the 'Special Cases' go.

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HEY HEY!! You all have the right to hate me but my laptop isn't working right now and so it is extremely hard to get on the computer!!

Thanks for sticking through my erratic behavior! Enjoy!!

Shout out to my buddies with new-ish stories:

Citytiger5, Ninja-muffins, and Softballchick!! Check them out if you could!!



Where the 'Special Cases' go-

                I couldn't fall back asleep. After that strange dream with Drew, I lied awake for hours. I don't think I've ever had a good nightmare but I would have to say that, that last one was an exception. Strangely I was excited when the nurses came in to asses my wounds. They were so astounded to find that I didn't have any new ones for them to fix, that I almost giggled. Since I haven't made a sound outside of the dream though, it was an almost. The nurses all wished me a happy birthday and for once I was glad for it. I was itching with curiosity to know what Drew would tell me. From what he said last night, I knew he knew more than he was letting on. It made me wonder what the hospital would be like since Drew was in charge.

My thoughts faded away as the nurses dragged me to the shower, still with the strait jacket, of course. They shampooed and conditioned my hair, scrubbing me down as well as a person can in the jacket. They quickly dressed me and helped me to breakfast, all the while, doing everything for me.

I was extremely annoyed when I first got here and learned they would 'take care' of me. I was so furious of having someone doing everything for me, that I almost broke my silence. Again, there's that word, almost. Well, I'm almost free of this place, almost free of this monstrosity of a jacket, almost free of this cruel way of living. I could only hope that where I'm going is better than this place. But then again, anything would be better than this place.

Someone cleared their throat, waking me from my trance.

Startled, I turned to see Dr. Michaels standing there looking a little annoyed.

"Finally, I was standing here forever." He cleared his throat, a sure sign of agitation. I always seemed to agitate people. "Miss Mattson, your bags have been packed and put in the car. You will meet Dr. Billings there. Are you ready?"

I simply looked at him. As if knowing my reaction her curtly nodded and walked away, only to be replaced by my two escorts. I honestly don't know why I need two escorts; it's not as if I'm going to protest to escaping this asylum.

                Getting pushed into the car, I couldn't help but be anxious along with excited. Today was the day I would finally get some answers.


Drew's POV:

                I knew Bree was coming today. I did some more research to find out her name so I wouldn't be calling her Miss Mattson. We may get new people omitted to our 'hospital' quite a bit but I have never seen anyone quite like Bree. She looked tough and strong but I could see she was shattered. She rebelled the only way she knew how, through silence. I must admit I was surprised when she walked in. I mean sure most people there are crazy and crazy looking but something felt different about her. I knew at once that she wasn't crazy but had been stuck in a situation where she had no control or clue. She was lost and made the mistake of trying to get help but she asked the wrong people. I read her file and it said her family stuck her there, and then must have quickly forgotten about her. There weren't any records of visitors or packages, so my only guess would be that her family did truly abandon and leave her there.

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