12) Brothers

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We are now with the heroes in training.

Suddenly the students noticed a helicopter approaching the island. Suddenly the number 2 hero, Hawk, descended from the helicopter in flight, plunging under and gliding before crashing to the ground. The first to run towards Hawk was Mezo, still holding a badly injured Katsuki in his arms.

As soon as Hawk saw the injured student he called the other support helicopters to hurry. Once there, the medical heroes and doctors took all the injured students, who were relatively few, and Katsuki, rushing to the nearest hospital which, unfortunately, was on the mainland. All his class mates were worried about him but the doctors who were on the spot reassured the students, saying that Katsuki would probably recover in a few days, just some rest time.

However, Naomasa Tsukauchi, a police detective who was to work on the case, also arrived on the scene. Naomasa approached the class, ready to ask questions about the attack that just occured.

Naomasa: Good morning. I'm Detective Naomasa and I'm here to ask you a few questions about the attack that just happened. Is there any of you who would like to start to talk about something? Everything can be helpful.

The class remained silent. Some because they did not have the courage to speak, others because they were angry that they could not do anything at that moment.

Naomasa: ...  I understand you are still shocked by the attack but-

Shoto: We've had a lot of attacks before, we shouldn't even be surprised.

Katsumi: Yet ... This attack ...

Naomasa: Yes, your brother was also seriously injured so don't worry, you don't have to force yourself to speak.

Katsumi wiped a few tears from her face.

Naomasa: But we in the police still have to reconstruct the facts. Someone who ... can-

Mashirao: We were on the beach ... There was Me, Uraraka, the two Todoroki, Katsumi, Sato and Kirishima ...

Naomasa nodded.

Mashirao: ... Suddenly a boat came and crashed on the beach ... A boy, a little older than us probably, got out ...

Naomasa nodded again.

Rikido: ... We went to check that the boy was okay in the first place, but when we got closer, we felt like ... a scary aura that had completely enveloped him. It was like...

Shoto: Standing in front of Stain ... Again ...

Naomasa: Right, you were saved from Endeavor last time, right? Anyway, then what?

Fumikage: ... He took a look at us and told me, Bakugo and the two Todoroki that we were the only interesting ones on the team.

Naomasa: What did he mean?

Izumi: At first we didn't understand but ... After I came to help the others, the boy said ... That he called himself All for One ...

The class would swear they saw Naomasa's eyes pop out of their sockets.

Naomasa: But ... it's not possible ... All for One died over a month ago ...

Izumi: Yet ... It's not just All for One ...

Naomasa: What?

Izumi: He... created thorns out of the ground, as if it were Overhaul ... He fought with Stain's agility and swords ... And he stole Katsuki's quirk like All for One would ...

Meanwhile, with AfO AKA Izuku, then on the mainland.

Izuku was face to face with Tomura Shigaraki.

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