The Dream

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"Hello you three....Welcome the your mindscape.....You three will remember this dream....So listen carefully.....You have 5 days 15 minutes left to live....So you better be prepared....Cause once that time is up.....Well we won't bore you with the details....Hope you three enjoy your finally days"

~Ethan POV~

I woke up and shot up sweating like crazy....I was as pale as a ghost I felt freezing...."B-Baby you awake...?" I said looking at him. "What is it love...?" He said as tired as he could be.

"I-I am freezing....I-It's too cold...." I said shivering...."H-huh? Ethan it's so hot in here what do you mean your freezing?" He said confused. I grab him and pulled him into me...."L-Love y-your c-cold..." I said. Now he looked considered....

"Do you need a doctor? Are you feeling okay?" He said feeling my forehead "Are you sick?" He kept asking me questions. I wanted to pass out right there. "B-Baby I-I'm F-Fine..." I struggled saying

"Baby we are going to the hospital. NOW" Man I've never seen Alec this worried for Me. "W-What about t-the k-kids?" I said not moving. "Guess we're taking them!" Alec said getting dressed.

I got up and got dressed. "S-Sweetie c-come o-on" I said holding my youngest kid Evie she was crying scared I might be hurt. "E-Evie daddy is okay..." I told her trying my best to calm her down.

"Okay I'm ready let's go....Ethan I called your sister jess she'll met us at the hospital." Alec said starting the car and driving. "A-Alec I-It's Cold in here" I felt bad...I mean I woke my husband and kids up all because of that STUPID Dream!

~Time Skip~

When we got to the hospital Jess ran up and grab me...."WHAT HAPPENED?! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! DID YOU GET INTO A FIGHT?!" Jess was very scared. "J-Jess please s-stop I-I'm J-Just A L-Little C-Cold...." I stuttered. Just then I felt Heat over wave me it felt like heaven. "H-Huh?" I said. I look around and saw snow particles around Alec and the kids.

"W-What did you do J-Jess?" I said feeling so warm. "I am using my powers at moment. I was hoping it would work and it did!" She said a little relieved. "Thanks Jess..." I said. It took an hour but we finally got called in.

"So what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked us. "W-Well my husband over here woke up sweating and as pale as he could be and he said he was freezing" Alec responded. After the doctor did some test he came back.

"Well Mr.Forever there seems to be nothing wrong with your husband he's in perfect health." The doctor said. "I would recommend some warm milk to keep him warmed up" He said.

"O-Okay. Thank you..." Alec said getting up and walking out with us. "Well we should get home." Alec said holding my hand. "Yeah. We should. Thank you Jess I'll come over later okay?"

"That sounds fine with me!" She said happily. "We could drive you home Jess" Alec offered. "No no y'all should go home I'll walk!" She said leaving.

And with that me, my kids, and husband went home. I got me some warm milk and I felt fine again. Alec laid the kids down and came to back to the room and gave me a kiss

"I love you baby." Alec said getting back in bed hugging me. "I love you to. And I will till the day I die."

5 days left....

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