Interview: VectorSigma

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1. What's your name? (you don't need to answer this)

Just call me Vec!

2. How would you describe yourself? (physical traits and personality)

Very quiet and sometimes shy if you don't know me, but after that I become quite sadistic and humorous. I guess that's how you know we're friends when I start making sadistic comments! :3 As for physical traits, very skinny but as lazy as my cats.

3. Do you speak any languages? Are there any you've longed to learn?

My main language is English, but I was forced to learn a little French, and I'm not saying that my French is great. XD

4. Have you ever been to a foreign country? If so, what are some things you saw there? Any memorable special activities or events?

I've been to Mexico for, like, 30 minutes when I was younger. I forget the reason why my family decided to go there, but I recall trying to speak with someone who only knew Spanish! And I've been all over the US and stepped foot in roughly half of the 50 states. I've seen both oceans, gazed at our large cities, and awed at our natural wonders. It's one of the benefits of traveling a lot.

5. What is it that inspired you to write?

Far too many things. XD I suppose my friends who write, authors, and my family.

6. Why did you choose your username on here? Does it represent you? Is there a story behind it? Tell us about it!

To make a terribly long story short (and to not sound too geeky), it's a Tranformers reference. Vector Sigma is a super computer that appears in many continuities. And it's pretty awesome. I chose it because of my nack for computers, I'm basically my family's tech support and I hope to study in a field of computers in the not too distant future! I've had this username for...almost three years now and many people have shortened it down when referring to me. Vec is just the most common one and I get called it a lot!

7. How old were you when you took an interest in writing?

Honestly, as long as I can remember! My earliest memory of writing a story, however, was in 2nd grade. It was about the planets (including Pluto!)

8. What was the first story you've written that you can remember? Is it on Wattpad? What fandom was it from?

As stated above, though, it probably wasn't my FIRST story. And it's not on Wattpad. :3

9. Do you prefer to write your story on paper first, or do you just go straight to the computer? Why?

Straight to the computer. Duh. I'm the kind of person who can stare at a screen for 15 hours straight and not feel a thing.

10. How did you find Wattpad? Why did you decided to stay?

@KittyCatMewMew101 recommended it to me a short while back and here I am. I've been on some other writing sites like these, and although there are some problems I have with site, it does have the best community I've seen.

11. What is your favorite book on Wattpad? What fandom is it from? What is it about? Why would you suggest this book to others?

I don't think I have a favorite book! XD If I did, it would sound too biased. I do like reading suggestions, though. :3

12. Who is your favorite Wattpad author in all of Wattpad? (doesn't have to be Warriors)

It's a tie between my friend @KittyCatMewMew101 and @alliehuang. Kitty's been my friend for YEARS (and I mean back to those "sandbox days"...but I don't think we ever played in sandboxes...) and she was the first person to get me to read Warriors, after many attempts of course. @alliehuang has just been so nice to me and she's a great friend! :D

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