Chapter 10

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A/N this takes place a few days after the last chapter.

It had been a particularly rough visit with Ellis today, and Meredith was tired. She had put up with enough of her mother's crap the first time and she certainly didn't need her mother to rehash the past in her condition. Tonight, she hadn't felt like going to a bar and drinking enough tequila to forget, so she had come here to think.

She had found this particular spot, with a beautiful view of the sound especially at sunrise, and had made it her go-to place to think. She drove up in her decidedly battered old jeep and approached a bench to sit.

She paused when she saw someone already sitting there. But before she could turn around to go back, she noticed the familiar mop of dark hair, and instinctively went up to him.

"Hey" She said softly, in greeting.

Derek looked up, slightly startled at the gentle voice. He had just found this spot by chance and been lost in thought. He found the familiar face framed with slightly messy golden hair and soft green eyes staring down at him.

"Hey" he greeted her back, equally gently.

She sat down next to him on the bench, and they stared out into the sound in comfortable silence. The moment seemed to last forever, as each sat lost in their own world.

"Fancy running into you here." Derek finally broke the silence with a small smile.

"Well I could say the same." She replied in a similar manner.

"Had a rough day. I just needed a place to sit and think." He offered, when she made no move to say anything more.

"Me too." She said, and then after a pause "tough days all around then."

"Lost a patient. She never had great chances of surviving, but it still hits hard when it's someone who should have had their entire life ahead of them." He sighed softly.

"It does." She answered back.

The moment was unique and inexplicable. There was a hint of sadness in the air, and a touch of comfort. Though practically strangers, they drew a strange sense of contentment from each other and were silent support. The harsh realities of life held little meaning in the moment and they found themselves to be two people bound together.

Meredith broke the silence. "I come here to watch the sunrise over the ferry boats." She said, half nervously "I found this place my first week here."

Derek turned to her in surprise. He hadn't expected her to start a conversation. "Well I just stumbled across it." He was unsure what to say.

"You could stay, you know, watch the sunrise. It's not so far away." She said softly, unsure why she was wanted him to stay.

"I'd like that." He said leaning back on the bench. Meredith Grey never ceased to surprise him.

"It's like a new beginning. Just for a while, everything seems fresh and new and all the crap in life just disappears for a while." She rambled a little, still confused by her own behaviour.

Derek watched her openly. Her eyes, which ordinarily seemed unable to make up their mind about being blue or green, were now soft green orbs. Her face and body were relaxed completely and dressed in her usual, slightly haphazard way, she looked as young and carefree as a regular girl.

"It is." He agreed, his own face softening.

They sat together, the silence punctuated rarely by few soft sentences as the first rays of the sun made their way over the horizon. They sat and watched as the world was flooded with the pale morning sunlight and born anew. They drew closer as the sun peeked over the expansive ocean, shoulders brushing gently. Their lips found each other's as the day broke brightly. They went home together, and spent their day off in bed.

A/N this is a very short scene that I really just wanted to try writing. It's not very relevant to the story but it shows the start of their relationship and how deep their connection will be. Next chapter will be a regular chapter, a lot more lighthearted, proabably a time skip away.

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