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Penelope got a call, involving you

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Penelope got a call, involving you.

It was a normal day at the BAU. You all had paperwork to do and lucky you, you were half way trough.

You were getting yourself a coffee, when you see Penelope rushing past you and the others. The sudden movement got the attention from them and they look up.

Garcia rushes into Hotch's office and you share a confused look with the others.

You shrug it off and go back to your desk.

Not even five minutes later and Hotch comes out.
"Everyone, conference room." he says and looks at you all, especially you.

The team and you share a confused and worried look.

When you all sit down, you look at Garcia and you can see she looks terrified.

"So uhm," she starts "Today I got a call, and it was a threat directed to Y/N." she says and they all look at you.

"What?" you ask in disbelieve.

"I think it's best, if we hear the call." Emily suggest and looks at Garcia.

She types something in her laptop and an audio begins to play.

"Penelope Garcia, FBI."

"Ah hello, this is for Agent Y/L/N."

"I'm sorry sir?"

"Y/N, do you remember me? I think you do. Does your beloved team even know you? Do they know about your husband and daughter? How they are dead, because of you. She was a sweet little girl, I need to say, to bad she's dead, I think she would have looked like you. And don't forget the lovely husband. How long were you married? I think three years. Maybe your family would have grown, if he wasn't dead. What a tragic story this all was. How you were too late to save them. But I said to you, I would come back. And look at me, here I am, calling you. I will come for you, Y/N Y/L/N. Your beloved, Theo Janwill."

And the audio ends.

It is dead silent. Nobody talks.

You have tears in your eyes and your breathing is heavy.

After some time you stand up, "Excuse me." you say and go.

JJ wanted to go after you but Hotch stopped her, 
"Let her, she needs some time."

"What was that?" Derek asks.

"Why didn't we know about this?" Emily asks.

"Did you know about this?" Spencer asks, looking at Hotch.

He sighs, "Yes, but Y/N didn't wan't anyone to know, it's the darkest chapter of her life."

"But we are her friends." Derek argues.

No one answers and Rossi asked, "What happened?"

"That's not my story to tell." Hotch says.

"No, but I will tell you." you say as you walk back into the room and sit down, they could all see you had cried.

"6 years ago I was married and had a daughter. Her name was Antonia Maria Y/L/N. Me and my husband, Mark, were the happiest. She was six at the moment." you smile as you remember them,
"I was at work, when I got a call." your posture changes immediatly, "Apparently someone broke in and there was no sign from Mark or Toni." you take a moment to breath.

"I knew something was wrong and my old team and I began working. We got nowhere and after two days, I- I got a video." you remember the moment like it was yesterday, how helpless you felt.

"In the video I saw, my uh- my husband and daughter tied to a chair and they were so pale. Mark was beaten and Toni looked so scared." you sniffle.

"After a moment a man came in. For him it was all a game. He gave me two more days to find them. I was so on edge, I couldn't work. A few hours later, I realised I needed to find them and started working. We did find them in time, but as we stood there I saw my husband on the ground, a bullet wound trough the heart. The unsub pointed the gun at my daughter and suddenly he shot. I shot him in the chest and run to my daughter." by now tears were running all over your face.

"We drove to the hospital and she went in surgery. But uh- she died in surgery. The unsub, Theo Janwill, survived. In court he said, he would come out one day and kill me. I- I didn't know, if he would ever come out, but it looks like he did." you end your story.

You can see the pity in the eyes of them.

Garcia is the first to say something, "Oh my sweet cheeks. I'm so sorry." she said while hugging you.

"But why didn't you say something. We would have helped you." JJ said.

"It's just- it's hard, you know? I never wanted to live trough that again, and every time I tell that story, it's just- it's hard." you said.

"It's okay. We understand." Spencer assures.

"So, what do we know about Theo Janwill?" Derek asks with a look at you.

And so you catched the son of a bitch. It was one hell of a case, but it got you justice, again, and it felt good.

And from that day on, you told the team about Mark and Toni, all the good memories you had and it made you happier, and like the weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

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