Round One

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Brady's POV
Sarah, Jake, Lindsey, Stephan and I are all sitting in a circle in the middle of some weird looking obstacle course. We look around at each other and try to get up, only to find out we have been tied up. "Dudes.. What is going on here?" I question, trying to move around in my chair.
As soon as I had finished speaking, a voice came booming over the speaker. It sounded look a woman's voice. In my head, I realized it was Mrs. Raltz, the camp director. The one who brought me here..
"Brady come down here! There's some lady here to talk to you!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I sighed and sat down my play-book for a summer play I was trying out for, and walked downstairs. As I got to the door, I saw a lady dressed in army attire with a clipboard and a couple of pamphlets in her arms.
"Can I help you?" I asked politely. She walked inside and sat her stuff down on the kitchen island. "I am Mrs. Raltz. I am starting this summer camp and I need your help." She began to sit down and spread out the books and such across the counter top. I gave her a strange look, but proceeded to sit beside her.
She began telling me of all of these activities she was planning and how she wanted me to enroll in the camp so I could inform them what the students were talking about and what they thought of the camp. It all sounded pretty innocent, until she requested my mom to leave the room.
My mom voluntarily left, and Mrs. Raltz continued to tell me that this summer camp was different than most. It was being advertised as a regular summer camp that was to be a place for teens from ages fifteen to nineteen to help them learn obedience.
"Sounds like one of those dog obedience schools." I replied, flipping through the pamphlets. "It is. In a way." She said in a cold tone.
"Um. Alright? And how am I supposed to interact with all of these supposed 'delinquent teens'? I've never even been sent to the principles office, how am I supposed to come off as some kid who gets into trouble all the time?" I questioned. She gave me a smirk. "That's where your acting comes in." She handed me a huge duffel bag full of black clothes, black hair dye, fake piercings, a multitude of cigarettes, and an earpiece. I glanced up at her and nodded. She continued to tell me that I would be payed as long as I stuck to my instructions.
As I stared into the bag I nodded. She began gathering her stuff off of the table. "I'll be here Friday to pick you up and take you to the camp. Be packed and ready. You'll have a long summer ahead of you." Then she walked out the door.
All the others began to panic, but I sat there quietly. Suddenly I heard as static noise emit from my hidden earpiece. "I'm about to release you. Release all the others once I do, as if you are saving them. I will give you directions afterwards.". I nodded, hoping she would somehow see I understood.
Immediately after I nodded, I felt something graze my hands, untying my bonds. I writhed in my seat as if I was the one who was untying them. "Brady what are you doing?" Sarah asked. "Shh!" I exclaimed. "I'm untying myself". I said standing up, releasing the rope onto the ground.
I heard several gasps as I raised a finger to my lips. They silenced as I began to untie them all. They went to rubbing their wrists and smiling at each other, all of the wondering how I did it. "I used to be in Boy Scouts" I replied, hoping that neither or the guys had, because I don't think the focus on ways of escaping ropes in Boy Scouts.
I looked around the maze, wondering what Raltz had in mind. I began to hear her directions feeding into my ear and repeated most of them aloud.
"Move so they are all in front of you. Just tell them your running out of breath but to turn right ahead." I began to slow down so I fell to the back of the line. Lindsey, who was in the back, stopped. "Brady? Are you all right?" She put her hand around my shoulders. "Here let me help you. Where do we go up here?" She asked pointing ahead. I started breathing heavy, so it sounded as though I was out of breath. "No, go ahead and catch up with the others I'll catch my breath and follow, but try turning right up there, I think I can hear something, don't you hear it?" She took her hand off of me and tilted her head for a minute. "Yeah, your right! I do hear something. I'll catch up to others and tell them. Don't be long!" She said as she ran off.
I rolled my eyes. She really isn't that smart. I reached up to my ear piece. "Mrs. Raltz, what do I do next? I may not have much time, the others are a bit smarter than Lindsey, they'll know something's up." I ran around to one of the corners, listening for a sign that the group was coming back. Suddenly, the panel that I was leaning against began to turn. I ducked my head and ran through the new hole in the wall.
I walked into some lab type room, where there were about ten people walking around, messing with computers and such. Then there was Mrs.Raltz watching several computer screens that showed the maze and my 'friends' trying to figure out where they were going.
When she finally noticed I was inside, she motioned me over to her. I walked beside her and watched the screens. Suddenly the group stopped. Mrs. Raltz began pushing buttons and I saw some of the walls move and change. "What are you leading them to?" I asked. "Something unimaginable.." She replied in her cold, frigid tone.

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