Friends ?

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Paddy) Hey

Y/n) Oh hey
Btw thanks for the recommendation  i like that ice cream place

Paddy: That's what friends are for :)

Y/n: So we are friends now?

Paddy : Maybe, Maybe not, Can't force you into being my friend

Y/n: then consider me a friend :)

Paddy : Great,friend༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ

Y/n: Dork, so tell me about yourself :)

Paddy : Should i be offended? But no I have always wanted to be an actor

Y/n: No way, me too!

Paddy: What's your favorite movie?

Y/n: Ummm gonna have to be spider man far from home or infinity war or Thor ragnarok, basically all the marvel movies

Paddy: Interesting, what's your favorite avenger?

Y/n: Rocket, peter and bucky

Paddy: I love Marvel as well

Y/n: the real question is do you like the movies are do you also watch the interviews and their social media ;)

Paddy: Well I do know a pretty good amount of all the actors, especially tom

Y/n: Cool! Tom hiddleston or Holland

Paddy : Holland

Y/n: More than me?

Paddy:Most likely

Y/n: Wanna bet?

Paddy: is this a challenge?

Y/n: Consider it war!

Paddy: I'll ask you answer you ask I answer, the one who gets most correct wins

Y/n: Deal! You ask first

Paddy: Ok then, when is his birthday?

Y/n: Easy June 1st 1996

Paddy : Correct 1-0

Y/n: When was his last instagram post?

Paddy : 15 minutes ago, in his dinner with zendaya

Y/n: Correct but how do you not it's nadia and not zendaya

Paddy : Nadia is in the other half of the country at least 2 hours away

Y/n: okay then 1-1

Paddy: Does he have any pets?

Y/n: Yeas! Tessa, she is so adorable, probably the best hollandddd no doubt 😌

Paddy: 2-1

Y/n: talking about the hollands how many brothers or sisters does he have?

Paddy: he has 3 brothers not including him and no sisters that we now of yet

Y/n: Yep! 2-2

Paddy: What are there's names?

Y/n: Thomas stanley holland,Sam Anthony Holland, Harry robert holland, and pads

Paddy: specific much, well except for paddy

Y/n: well yeah, so how does it feel to share a name like his?

Paddy : right, yh it's pretty cool, also 3-2

Paddy: Does tom have a girlfriend?

Y/n: Nadia, not listening to the cheating rumors, she gives me weird vibes

Paddy: finnaly someone who understands, well 3-3

Y/n: Guess we both are decent ok knowing our stuff

Paddy : pretty much

Y/n: gtg ttyl?

Paddy: Ttyl, byee

* Y/n changed ??? To Marvel dork*
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Texting (Paddy x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now