🄸🅉🅄🄺🅄'🅂 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗳𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻

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☞︎ 𝑖𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑒𝑛𝑑 ☜︎

'How did I get here?' Izuku wondered to his self confused as he looked around his room. The last he remembered he was outside talking with Hawks.

"Humm... oh well!" Izuku thought aloud, stretching his wings and swishing his hair into a small low pony tail since it had grown quite a lot.

"Geez, I really need a hair cut" Izuku sighed, getting annoyed as the slightly shorter pieces of hair disrupted his vision.

Completely giving up on his hair he pouted in annoyance and slipped on a casual outfit since it was the weekend. He chose some baggy jeans and an demon slayer themed oversized T-shirt.

It hid his quite feminine figure perfectly, Izuku didn't like being called 'cute' or 'girly' by others. Even some strangers had made comments about his body; it made him feel uncomfortable so he resorted to baggy clothing most of the time.

"Hey kacchan!" Izuku beamed, flapping his wings gleefully and letting a bright smile plaster his features.

Katsuki sighed "how are you this lively, it's still the morning" the blonde grumbled, rubbing his forehead with two fingers.

Katsuki was not a morning person.

Izuku giggled and waved off his friend's cranky behaviour; his smile never faltering once as he greeted almost everyone in class 1-A.

"You're looking happy this morning deku-kun! Anything good happen?" Uraraka asked suspicions, nudging Izuku in the arm to provoke him a little.

She loved teasing her best friend. It was funny seeing how flustered he got over the smallest of things.

In fact, Izuku didn't know why he was so happy. But for some reason, when she asked that an image of Hawks flashed into his mind; making his cheeks grow a darker shade of crimson.

The brunette noticed the slightly flushed expression and almost radiated sunlight "oh my god! Who is it tell me tell me!" She pleaded, shaking Izuku by his shoulders.

"It's no one... but how are you and Tsu" Izuku retaliated cheekily; now it was Uraraka's turn to blush furiously.

"How did you know that!" She cried dramatically, shaking Izuku even more violently. The winged teen grinned at her panic "it's sooo obvious. I've seen how you both become a blushing mess around each other"

Izuku spoke as if it were normal. He was indeed quite good at analysing situations.

Izuku elbowed Uraraka in the shoulder meaningfully as Tsu entered the kitchen.

The pink cheeked girl shoved Izuku away from embarrassment and went to greet her crush "oh hello Uraraka and Midoryia, kero" she croaked, a small pink tint lacing her cheeks as Uraraka walked closer to her.

"Good morning Asui!" She beamed, bouncing up and down at her presence "hey deku-kun, why don't you join us for breakfa-"

Before Uraraka could finish her sentence, Izuku leapt out of the window, wanting to leave them alone in attempts to let their relationship flourish.

The teen smiled to himself as he flew through the air. He had only ever wanted the best for those around him, and would do anything in order to make that happen, even if it meant putting his own life on the line.

Him wanting to be a hero was a vivid example of this. Izuku only saw worth in himself when it came to helping others, he thought of himself as nothing really.

Izuku sighed and inhaled the fresh morning breeze; his wings flapping quickly through the air, as the wind messed his air and scrunched his clothes a little; making Izuku look like an adorable mess.

Before he could do anything else, a loud grumble erupted from his stomach 'oh yeah... I haven't had breakfast yet' Izuku thought, rubbing his empty stomach with a deflated expression.

He frowned and lowered himself to a small cafe where he could often go to eat cakes and confectionery sweets. Izuku was a sucker for sweet food.

However, the cafe also did amazing breakfast's.

The teen ruffled his feathers and folded them comfortably before entering the little shop. He was greeted with a new worker whom he hadn't seen there before.

Izuku was a regular at the cafe and knew pretty mush all the staff; so he was looking forward to meeting this person.

"Good morning! I'd like a Mocha, and the miso soup please" Izuku grinned happily, looking at the male who stood behind the counter with sparkling eyes.

He looked around a couple years older then Izuku; and had red and green heterochromatic coloured eyes complimented with artificially dyed electric blue hair. The roots of his natural hair had grown out a little, so Izuku could tell he was originally a brunette.

"Will that be all?" The male asked with a slightly flirtatious tone, he thought Izuku to be absolutely adorable. I mean... who wouldn't?

"Yep! That's it thank you, here..." Izuku began to fumble around for his wallet before the worker stopped him "it's on me, but I'll take you're number if that's ok?" He asked with a wink, leaning his elbows on the counter top.

Before Izuku could respond, someone slammed money on table and Izuku was suddenly incased in a protective wall of red feathers.

"I'm paying" the person revealed as none other than the No.3 pro hero hawks hissed, glaring at the worker whom tried to get his Izuku's number.

The blue haired male didn't falter at all under the intense gaze but went off to get his food in the meantime.

"Oh hey Keigo.. it's ok I can pay" Izuku nervously voiced, actually quite enjoying how hawks protectively wrapped his wing around himself.

"No no, I insists" the pro grinned, his deathly aura dissipating in a split second as he ushered Izuku to a small table in the corner of the cafe.

Izuku smiled as he plopped himself down in the cushioned seat, sinking comfortably into the relaxing spot.

Hawks smiled contently seeing Izuku happy "got any plans for today kid?" The hero asked, crossing his arms while letting his eyes roam Izuku's cute facial features.

"Humm... no not really, I was kinda just wondering around I guess" Izuku replied, he actually had no idea what he was going to do.

"How bout you spend the night with me? My house is pretty big" hawks boasted, making Izuku giggle a little at his confident ego.

"I can, but I would have to text Aizawa-Sensei" Izuku reasoned, actually thinking it would be fun to spend some time with Hawks.

"No worries! I've already done it!" Hawks exclaimed, a grin plastering his face as he showed the text messages between him and eraser head.

Izuku laughed at the name hawks had Aizawa saved as; 'pencil tip'

"Ok, thank you" Izuku smiled cutely, sending arrows into Hawks' heart each time he spoke.


𒊹︎𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒  𒊹︎

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