Chapter 1

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Ushijima : So.. what would you like to talk about, Hinata Shoyo?

It's obvious from the look on Hinata's face that he's soo nervous it confuse Ushijima.

Hinata : uumm.. Ushijima-san, i .. uhh..
Hinata's face turns really red now.

Ushijima : yes?

Hinata : i.. um.. Ushijima-san i just want to say that.. you are really cool and.. so perfect in court ..that sometimes.. it makes me jealous of you..well.. no.. after our first match in Shiratorizawa i keep thinking about you alot.. so..

Ushijima: so?

HInata looks down to his feet, gathering the courage then shut his eyes as he tried to manage what to say

Hinata : Ushijima-san..i.. I LIKE YOU!

Finally Hinata feels relieved because he said it! But then after few moment Hinata was anxious for the respond from the taller guy.

Ushijima : you like me? *confused*

Hinata : y..yeah i mean.. uhh..would you go out with me?

Ushijima : ah..
Ushijima finally understand what Hinata means. He stared at Hinata for few seconds, he was thinking what to say to him. Because Ushijima absolutely didn't expecting this.. a confession.. from Hinata Shoyo of Karasuno, who he sees as his ultimate rival on volleyball.

Now Hinata feels way more nervous than before as he wonders what Ushijima will say, also because he feels that Ushijima was staring at him intensely, as usual Ushijima's presence always intimidating.

Ushijima : Hinata Shoyo.. I think you are also such a great player in court, i never doubt that after our first match. Ever since, I see you as my worthy opponent that i'd like to play you again someday. But i apologize, I don't see you the same way you see me.. so..

Hinata : Err.. Ah! It- it's ok Ushijima-san! I just want to confess to you.. and i just want to tell you about my feelings.. haha.. maybe you should just forget what i've said hahaha ..
Hinata was try to laugh it off, but the truth is he was hoping that Ushijima will at least think about his confession and try it out perhaps?

Ushijima : Hinata..

Hinata : *bows down* i'm sorry to bother you Ushijima-san! And.. i really appreciate that you would hear me out.. although it was just a stupid confession *barely whisper*

Ushijima didn't know how to respond as Hinata just smiles weakly.
Ushijima : I don't think you're stupid, so please don't mind it

Hinata : ??!! Uhh.. err.. i.. Thank you so much and once again i'm sorry, Ushijima-san! I need to go now, see you!
Hinata grinned widely and walks away as he waves to Ushijima.

Ushijima : yeah.. see you, Hinata Shoyo

Hinata finally gets home, after greet his mom and sister he just go straight to his room, then laying down on his bed.
He wonders why he couldn't take his mind off that Shiratorizawa's captain. He keeps thinking about him..
Minutes pass and he suddenly realized that his tears was falling. Hinata Shoyo, crying over Ushijima Wakatoshi.
He should've just forget about what happened today, about the confession, about Ushijima Wakatoshi.

Hinata : ahh.. i'm so lame..

Hinata never expect that rejection will hurt him this much.

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