Oh, Allison

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    The house is huge! I look up at it, wondering who lives in it.

"Rich people. They'll probably make us drink cider and bob for apples." Dani says and she looks up at me.

   We nod at each other and walk up the steps. I ring the doorbell and it takes a minute for someone to answer the door.

     The door opens revealing Allison in a beautiful Victorian dress. It's covered in designs and jewels. I have to keep my jaw from dropping to the floor. I can already feel myself attempting to hold in a blush and keep myself from blowing it.

"H-hi, Allison." I greeted.

"Hi!" She replied, smiling.

"This is my little sister Dani. I always take her trick or' treating." I smiled.

"Our parents made her'."

I gently elbow Dani in the side.

"I love doing it."

"Come on in guys." Allison says after a pause.

    Dani and I follow her in and I close the door behind us. Everything is decorated in a Victorian style, even the people are dressed clothes from the era. I turn my attention to Allison. I didn't realize how well the corset of the dress enhanced her frame, and her breasts. Holy crap.

   "Looks like a nice party. You enjoying it?"

"Not really. It's just a big party. My parents do this every year." She says smiling.


"I like your costume Dani."

"Thanks! I didn't really get your name."


"Ohhh, Allison." She gives me a knowing glance.

"Would you guys like some cider?" Allison asks.

"No." Dani says, but I say yes louder.

   She walks away to get the cider.

"So that's Allison huh?"


"She is pretty."


   She finally returns with two cups of cider. She hands one to Dani and one to me. Our fingers slightly brush when I grab the cup. I have to keep myself from blushing.

"I wanna tell her." Dani says to me.

"Shut up Dani."

"Tell me what?"


"Max I'm gonna tell her."

I can feel my face reddening. I want to stop Dani from saying anything.

"Max likes your costume. Of course I couldn't where anything like that b'cause I don't have any- what do you call em' Max? Yabbos?"

I instantly choked on some of my cider. A terrified or angry expression took over my features. I looked over at Allison. She giggled and looked over at me.  I thought she would hate me for that.

"Well. I like your costume to Dani. Very authentic."

"Thank you. Mom made it for me. I helped"

"I'm really into witches."

"Really? Me too! We just learned about those sisters in school."

"The Sanderson sisters? I know all about them. My mom used to run the museum."

I just looked between the two. I zoned out most of the time.

"There's a museum about em?"

"Yeah, but they shut it down because a lot of spooky things happen there." Allison replies while bending down to Dani's level.

"Where is it?"

"The old Sanderson house. I think they were wrong to shut it down. It's really a piece of history."


"See Wh-What?" I interrupt.

"The Sanderson Museum."

"I'll go. Make a believer outta me."

"I'll go grab mom's keys and change. They'll never know I'm gone." She says a whisks up the stairs and out of sight.

"C'mon Max, why can't you just take her to the movies like a normal person. My friends told me all about that place. It's weird." Dani whined.

"This is the girl of my dreams." I whisper to Dani.

I hear Allison coming and instantly straighten up. I look up at the stairs to see what Allison was wearing. Her outfit consisted of jeans, a sweater and some kind of jacket.

"Well, let's go." Allison says and we all exit out the door.

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