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Anastasia's POV :

I sat backstage getting my hair and make up for the Enews interview. I'm not gonna lie I'm super nervous to be here and to have to talk about my situation but I need to speak my truth there are a lot of people that are blaming me for what has happened and I don't understand why, but today I'll finally clean the air. I'm not doing this to bash Justin but he and everyone else needs to know how much I suffered and that what he did to me was not okay.

Once my hair and makeup was done the assistants put on my mic and I started walking towards the set where the interview was going to take place, I stood there and waited for my cue.

"And know here to talk to us about her health condition and everything that is going on in her life please help me welcome model and mom of 2 Anastasia Karanikolau Bieber" Juliana said. I smiled and walked on stage where she gave me a quick hug, I sat down across from her and the interview began

"Its so nice to have you here !" she said

"Thank you for having me" I replied with a smile as I crossed my legs and got comfy

"First of all we are so happy to have you here and before getting to tall the questions we just want to know how are you feeling health wise" She asked

"I feel good, not back to one hundred percent but I definitely feel better than what I did before getting admitted to the hospital, I'm on medications and I'm being constantly monitored by my doctors but the cancer has decreased significantly and I'm glad I can finish the fight at home with my kids and family and close friends" I replied honeslty

"Thats great, so the kids how are they how was it without them did they go and see you while you stayed at the hospital ?"

"The kids are great Jason is turning 2 soon and Brooklyn is 7 months old now, but being without them was the biggest struggle. When I was receiving treatment my mind would always be on them and I would wonder what were they doing and how was their day going. My mom and Pattie took very good care of them and Kylie was always available to help when they needed her to which is something and can never thank her enough for. Even though there were days where I did want to see them I refused for them to go to hospital I didn't want them to see me the way I was especially Jason he's getting older and definitely understands more than Brooklyn she's still a baby" I said

"Wow I bet that was hard wanting to see them but for there own good making the decision that its best not to" she said while I nodded my head in agreance. "It was" I replied

"So I Know its and hard topic but we all want to know what is the status with your marriage to Justin, how did you feel when the pictures and the story came out about his affair with Hailey ? " She asked

"We'll Juliana I was hurt to say the least, When you marry someone is because you know all aspects of them and truly love them so never in a million years did I think he was capable of hurting me the way he did" I took a pause and held back the tears.
"It was a normal day of treatment for me when the news broke out and I saw it on the hospital TV that was in my room, that's how a found out you think he would have the decency to call and tell me truth. With being as well known as he is I don't understand how he thought that he can just get away with something like that. I called and texted him so many times and then I realized that he or she blocked my number" I said

"How did that make you feel after all he's you husband when you call you expect him to answer right ?"

"Exactly, but he didn't hours after the news broke Kylie,Gigi and my sister came to visit me I couldn't hold back the tears and I couldn't bare to understand how this man who vowed to love and stay with me in sickness and in health could just leave me alone and hurt me the way he did when I needed him the most. As the days went on and more stories came out of them being together and the partying and the drug use I was shocked its was like seeing a complelty different person" I took a breath and the tears just fell down I grabbed a napkin and wiped them off my face

"Were any of your friends or his mother in contact with him during this time" she asked

"They all tired to contact him but he didn't answer the same things happened to them as me all of our numbers were blocked" I said

"Do you think he did that or do you think it was Hailey"

"I thought it was him at first because he blocked all of our friends but then when I found out that  Pattie's number was blocked as well I knew it was Hailey because no matter what happens Justin loves and will do anything for his mother" I said

"Was he still seeing the kids at that point" Juliana asked

"Well at that point Pattie had gone back to Canada and Kylie and I decided it was best for Jason and Brooklyn to stay with her that way they are around more kids with Stormi and Kim,Kourtney and Khole's kids would always go over. My mom and sister went every other day the help Kylie with me kids but days before the first news broke of Hailey and Justin he started to talk less to everyone and stopped seeing the kids. Still to this day he hasn't seen or spoken to them" I admitted

"What do you think about Hailey and the drug use between the both of them ?"

"I know Justin has struggled with drugs in the past but he was clean for so many years and vowed that he would never go back to using again so I was shocked and knew that he had to be influenced by someone to do so and if it is by her then I don't think she's a good person and I'm glad he stopped seeing the kids because frankly I don't want them near Justin and Hailey its not safe" I told her

"Have you flied for divorce or are you thinking of doing so anytime soon ?" she asked I quickly tense up and took a deep breath before answering

"I have not filed and mainly because when everything was put out to the public I was still in the hospital and my health was my main concern and frankly I was not ready to let him go, even though he clearly doesn't care about me or our family. However I have considered it its just hard coming to terms with everything that is going on" I said

"Once you do file what will happen with the kids"

"I want nothing more for my children to have a relationship with their father but if Justin doesn't get clean and try for his kids then I don't want him near them and I having full custody of them would be ideal" I told her

"Do you see yourself dating anyone else in the future" she asked

I giggled "Well Juliana although Hollywood is full of many good looking men I think its best I focus on my career, health and kids, but then again you never know huh" I said

Juliana nodded "We'll Anastasia thank you so much for coming and being so amazing and answering all of our questions truthfully I know you're going through a hard time but we all fully support you" she said and I smiled while she pulled me in for a hug.

She finished her closing statements and we cut. After say my goodbyes I walked backstage grabbed my belongings and walked towards the exit where my driver was waiting for me to take me back to Kylie's house.

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