I Answer Your Questions!

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Ok, let's do this: *cues Dark Horse*

Q: @WatchingLikeAHawk asked: What do think is more awesome: lemon merengue pie with chocolate sauce or French silk pie with a peanut butter topping?

A: They both sound amazing but I’d pick the French silk pie with a peanut butter topping.

Q: @RafikiTikerson asked: Ok. Do you wish that eyelid had every single movie/ tv show or that you had super powers? A: Superpowers. How many friends do you have? A: Ummm I dunno… It’s hard to put a number on that sort of thing. It depends on your definition of “friend”. If you could have a pet, what would you get? A: A dog for sure. Either a golden retriever or a beagle. What is your favorite number? A: 1. Weirdest lie ever told? A: Oh gosh this is embarassing... When I was younger, I was convinced that my one cousin was flirting with me so I made up that I had a boyfriend. At the time of this I kinda had a thing for frickin Justin Bieber so I basically described the "dude I was dating” to be Justin Bieber. *cringe* Am I awesome? A: Yes, of course you’re awesome. :) Why is live the same as live and tear the same as tear? A: It’s just the way the English language is… Why is the earth round? A: I legitimately Googled this for you. It has to do with gravity. Basically, when you have a a lot of mass, gravity builds up. The masses pull on each other and they try to create the most efficient shape: a sphere. For an object to be considered a planet, it needs to have enough gravity to be able to pull itself into a sphere. Why is the sky blue? Wait. I know the answer to the last one. Are you Irish? A: I’m like 1/64 Irish, so technically yes. Is your brother a werewolf? A: I don’t believe so… Do you like the smell of milk? A: No, not really. What would you name your daughter? A: Either Peyton, Natalie, or Ellie. Do you think it’s likely Felicia will have an oops baby because she doesn’t want kids? A: I dunno, perhaps…

Q: @narwhalsdoe_ asked: Who do you think is better YouTuber KINGSLEY or SUPERWOMAN?

A: I’d say Superwoman. :)

Q: @RafikiTikerson asked: Why is my comment so long? A: Idk lol. How many questions is it? A: 14 questions. Boo! I scared you! Moo! I’m a fish! Happy llama sad llama dead llama twitch twitch.

Q: @Luke_Hemm_1996 asked: Something simple: what’re your abortive colors/patterns?

A: I love pastel colors. Light purple is my favorite color. As for patterns, stripes are my very favorite but I also like chevron, ombre, and plaid.

Q: @noimnotperfect asked: what made you realize you loved 5sos?

A: I’m not sure if I mentioned this before, but got into 5sos after watching the episode of Jimmy Fallon where they did the fall songs parodies. That was what intrigued me and then I decided to Google the band because I was curious. From there, I just kept finding more and more about 5sos until I became a full-on fangirl. So basically I owe my band obsession to Mr. Jimmy Fallon. This is the video that made me fall in love with 5sos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a46s7jFzb0s

Q: @TheFirstAutumnLeaf asked: Why did you get a Wattpad? a youtube channel? (I do know the answers I just wanna hear you admit that I’ve been subconsciously ruling your life ;)

A: I got a wattpad after 2 of my friends kept nagging me to get one. I was hesitant to get one at first because I didn’t know what I’d write about. I guess 4 boys gave me a reason to write… I got a youtube channel because a certain friend of mine *cough* practically begged me to… ;)

Q: @Springs_universe asked: What instruments do you play and what instrument do you want to play?

A: I play piano, viola, flute, and I know like 3 chords on ukulele. I guess I can sing too, but not well… As for instruments I want to play, I’ve always wanted to play guitar because it looks awesome.


Thank you for all your questions. I enjoyed answering them. I'll do another one of these sometime in the near future. <3

~ Em xx

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