3. Filler

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It was lunch time the next day, which was the class after health. Health was... interesting?

We had a very explanatory story on what 'passing a kidney stone' is. I was on the edge of my eat and quiet terrified, if I'm honest. But that wasn't the only thing weird that went on.
One hour into the past...

I spot him right as I entered the room.

There he was, Mysterious Boy with his slight pale face and deep green eyes.

He turns his attention to me, smirking. My face stays blank as i drop my stuff at my table, still looking at him. I glance at the clock quickly, finding that I have enough time to have a quick word with him.

Boy watches me intently as I make my way over to him and crouch down. "What's your name?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," he replies, grinning.

I roll my eyes. "That's why I asked," I dead-pan. I meant it kind of as a playful reply.

His black hair was spiking upwards a bit into an unusual haircute. (A/N omg i dod that on accident but I might haeve invented a new word... Haircute. Boom. A/N over) It was his turn to roll his eyes.
"Talon," boy-I-Now-Know-The-Name-Of says. I quirk an eyebrow at the ususual name. Uniqe hair cut, unique name; this boy and his unique-ness.
"Like-" I noticeably stiffle a laugh, "-an eagle talon?"
Talon threw his head back and over-dramatically sighs. "Yeah, Talon." He gave me a pointed glance. "Like an eagle."
Mr. Galigo came in then, so I slap the table and bid a fairwell to Talon before heading across the room. I plop down into my seat, sending my hand into my backpack in  search of my Health journal.
"Today I set up a visual for the heart. This should already be in your notes, but now it needs to get into your brains," Galigo announces.
I paise my searching hand and pull it out slowly. I listen further on. "Okay, class, speaking of the brain, which nervous system is it part of?"
I mutter 'central nervous system' where as some others simply shouted it out.
"Along with the..."
"Spinal cord."
I look up at the deep voice that answered it immediately after Galigo's voice trailed off. It was Talon.
He sent a confident wink in my direction, in which I rolled my eues in response. I didn't like him. Nope.
I still have a stupid crush on Base.
In my old school.
Exhausted suddenly, I bring my head down to my crossed-over arms. I stop to think for a second. About my class. About Leah. About Lipopia Junior High. About just random stuff.
Realizing then that this is a high school class, My head shoots back up and I act as if I knew everything he just saod, nodding and all.
Meniss POV
"That's her name?" Alice nods quickly and looks from side to side as if nervous. I add, "Weird."
"She has only been seen with him once- by Cass."
"But you said... you know..."
"Yeah, I know."
I sigh a bit too over dramatically, mentally reenacting the verbal evidence Alice had given me. It was annoying, unfair, and plain weird.
I didn't like it one bit.
Sunny POV
It was a routine:
Class, class, class, class, class, lunch, pre-final class, final class, bus, home.
Right now, it was only on Lunch. But at least this was the greateat period of all time (unless hhe food sucked).
After getting my lunch, I sat at my usual table that was a good distance from student civilization. I whip out my phone and untangle my earplugs.
I spend lunch with the sound of Nitro Fun, Pegboard Nerds, and MonstercatMedia releases.
However, near the end of the hour, I check the halls before slipping inside the messy janitor's room and fill my bag up. I peek theough the cracks of it before heading out again.
Call me weird, but I need this. It's like my drug, but child-style.
Teen style.
Sorry. Boredom took over this chaper, guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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