2. Closet Candy

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Mentally sighing in relief as the last period has finally ended, I push myself upward and collect my items. Then, I pick up my chair and put it upside down onto the tan desk.

"Mae, tell Sam to wait up for me on the bus. I gotta take care of something first," I tell my bus mate. I don't consider her-or anyone here- as a friend, but I do talk to everyone.

"Yeah, sure."

I walk out the same time as Ethan Mars. He also goes on my bus, and is the main person I talk to on there. I guess he is pretty cute, and I'm sure he feels the same for me, but stronger, and this is hy I feel kind of weird around him. I want to make sure nothing happens with us.

"'Sup, Ethan."

"Hey dude," he replies, "how was health?"

I shrug. "Gilagos sent me to the office to study." I think back to when I sat in the office, earphones in and ignoring the world... except for my notes which I was studying.

The heart had a few valves, like, four I think. There is also the left atrium as well as the right atrium and-

Oh, you don't want to hear about it? You don't want to learn? Whatever.

We continue walking until start to purposely fall behind, where I slip silently into the janitor's closet, hopefully unnoticed. Once I'm there i rummage through the usual area where I find the janitor's stash of candies.

No, I don't always do this. Yes, the janitor seriously has a stash of, not pot, but candy. No, I never got caught. Yes, I'm sure he notices because the stash has recently switched spots, which caused a three-day lag for me.

I haven't done this after school, this is the first time doing so, but I was seriously craving it after all the work today.

I reach far inside one of the shelves, passed cleaning bottles and wet rags until I hear a crackle of a candy bag.

And also knock of the door.

My hand freezes and my eyes widen slightly as I quickly think of something to say. Infortunately, this is a very awkward place to be caught, so I just say what any other weirdo would say.

"It's occupied."
Felicity-- why? Why did you say that.

I hear the same voice chuckle, deep, but not man-deep, more like a boys face. "Is there any reason you're in a cleaning closet?"
This is why you don't go in a closet randomly in public, Fel. I stay silent.

A moment later, I see the metal, long door handlr turn slowly and with ease. A few seconds after it is turned, the door creaks open and my breath is hitched.

Luckily, this boy only open it a crack allowing the light to fufill the dull, small room, Only half of his face is showing, but damn I wouldl ike to see the other half.

"Uh, hey." How awkward can I get? I continue, "Is the coast clear?"

He seems taken aback slightly, but reluctantly replies with a quick nod. I hold a finger to his now-opening mouth as I reach in and grab the candy that I came in for. I'm not going to be embarrassed for nothing.

The boy watches with interest as I drop them in my bag. Indicating that I was going to go out again, he checed for the clear a final time before swinging it open. I ducked under his arm that was holding up the door from swinging back

Quickly, I try to speed-walk away but he calls me back, by my name. I stop in shock and turn to him.

The boy catches up by walking very slowly, so five days later he is finally a foot from me. I quirk an eyebrow. "Are you going to tell me why you were in the janitor's closet taken... candy?"

"Um- yeah, well, I was craving it," I say matter-of-factly.

He laughs lightly. This was when I was actually curious of who the hell this guy was. We were walking the almost-empty halls now. "I don't think I want to know why that's in there, if I'm honest."

"Seems like you said that to get the answer out of me, though," I point out, sharing my own perspective. He's has slight pale skin and... hair, and two eyes and a face.

A pretty face.

"This encounter has been delightful and unique but I really dont want to miss my bus," I say in such an elegant manor.

After getting the hint that I didn't exactly want to talk, he nods. "Bye, Felicity." He knows my name? Wut wut, wut wut.

Mysterious boy notices my confused expression and adds, "See you in Health tomorrow."


I seriously don't know what I'm doing, guys. Let's just hope that this turns out fairly okay c:


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