- Cream - "Who knows..."

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TW: Blood + This is based more on the lore than the ship itself


Dream was sitting beside Cross, surrounded by Crosss right arm, that was keeping him warm, and many colorful flowers. Birds were singing on the trees and some little animals were resting between soft grass while some others were drinking in a tiny lake not so far away from there. There weren't clouds in the sky which was pierced by the bright light of the sun.

Cross took a deep breath and looked at the sun, then he moved his head to look at the sky; Dream instead was watching a fluffy bunny, with a blue scarf, jumping around, playing with a strange but gentle rainbow-colored butterfly. Those two animals reminded him of someone, but he couldn't really remember who...

Dream happily said: "This place is beautiful Cross, what AU is this?" Cross stayed silent for a while, maybe he was thinking; but then he answered: "Who knows" Dream shook his head and smiled: "You never change" He said; then he chuckled and looked at the sky as-well, more curious to see and understand what was Cross looking at than looking at the sky itself.

Some time passed, but nothing changed. Dream was starting to get worried, because a strange feeling was crawling on his back... It felt like his brother was getting even more powerful than usual and all the positive feelings were starting to fade away. He could've talked with Cross about it, but he tried to stay calm and just said: "So... What a beautiful sky... right? ...But... What are you looking at precisely?". Again it took Cross a while to answer and then he said: "Who knows"...

Dream smiled a bit less, but in any case he thought: "I dont have to worry. Cross is here with me and until we're together nothing might possibly hurt us"

More time passed and Dream started to feel something growing on his arm, but this time it was different. Unlike before the feeling was more... real. Dream looked down and saw some spines growing very quickly on his left arm. His eyes widened and he tried to stand up as fast as he could, but Cross was holding him too tightly. Dream looked at Cross and said: "Cross, dear, please let me go, there's some kind of strange spines that will probably hurt me". Cross continued to look at the sky and didn't move at all.

Dream panicked and thought: "Cross never acted like this, what's happening?!" he then tried to free his arm, but by moving it the spines scratched his bones and made him bleed. Dream tried to talk to Cross again and said: "Please, its starting to hurt!" He tried to stay calm, but the pain grew second after second.

The birds stopped singing and the world seemed to get darker. The flowers started to die and became gray. Dream tried to get free once again

A horrible sound could be heard, followed by Dream's scream of pain. Dream managed to stand up and free himself, but the spines continued to block his arm, which got ripped away and started to be covered by grass and blood.

Blood was pouring everywhere and Dreams vision was getting fuzzy. Some gunshots scared him, so looked around and saw the animals getting shot one after another. There was no trace of the fluffy bunny, just blood and a putrefied corpse covered with the blue scarf, like someone didn't want others to see his death; the butterfly instead was without a wing and just fell between the blood.

Dream looked at Cross and thought: "I don't understand what's happening, but we must get out of here!". He took a deep breath, moved, even if he was in pain, and touched Cross's shoulder, but as soon as he did that Cross dusted away.




Dream woke up. He was on a bed in an empty and blank room. He was used to nightmares like that, so he just took a deep breath and tried to relax and calm down as fast as possible.

He sighed, looked at were his left arm shouldve been and thought: "Will I be able to survive even today or... Will my brother be able to take down the last Star Sans?".

He took a crutch and used it to stand up, he looked at a very old photo with he and Cross in it, which was beside many other photos with his friends, smiling in the same place he dreamed about...
He didn't remember that AU anymore and now it was probably destroyed, so he just walked out of the room like always, while thinking and trying to answer to his own question.

Creepy sounds were coming from outside; it seemed like something was trying to break in, and that's when Dream finally found an answer to a question he made himself every time he woke up and 'returned' in the real world... That answer was simple, but for him full of meanings:

"Who knows"

That's what he thought before one of the walls beside him exploded...


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