Chapter 4: The Handsome Boys At The Door

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Moonwatcher's POV

I stood at the doorway, a little nervous about what I'm about to do. This was the first assignment that I got for The Lucky News Gazet -- also known as LNG. I didn't know what Mrs. Battlewinner was thinking, but apparently, she saw potential in me. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door. 

In lightning speed, the door flew open and a very handsome young man walked out. He wore a white shirt and ripped jeans. He had light brown hair and marvelous dark brown eyes. The handsome boy had a chiseled feature, and he had visible freckles along his face. I didn't know that I was staring until the handsome boy raised his eye eyebrow.

"Hi," I said shyly. "My name is Moonwatccher -- you can call me Moon for short -- and I have a few questions to ask you guys." 

"I'm Qibli," the boy introduced, smiling. He extended his hand as if he wanted to shake mine. I shook it gently then smiled sheepishly at him. "Uh, what kind of questions do you need to ask?" Qibli wondered. 

"Just about who you are and what you do with your life," I explained. "I work for the LNG so, the questions I'll ask won't be so important," I ranted. "You don't have to answer the questions. It's's my first assignment and I want to impress my boss-" 

She's so beautiful, Qibli thought. I stopped talking and whipped my head in his direction. Blush started to seep into my face, and I had to turn away so I wouldn't look like a fool. And...cute. Wow, did I seriously just think she was cute? But it's true. Agh! Stop thinking Qibli and focus on what she's saying. 

Suddenly, a very bold and angry thought came into my mind. What's taking that half-Kryptonian so long?! I jerked away from the door, knowing that someone was going to push it open. 

So...Qibli is a Kryptonian, er, half Kryptonian, I thought. Cool. Qibli looked at me curiously when he saw me jerk away. A second later, another handsome boy walked outside. The boy had dashing white hair and beautiful dark blue eyes. He wore a tux that made him look like a million bucks. 

Who is...this...girl, he thought. She's gorgeous. I blushed at his thought, but out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Qibli's eyes change from friendly to painful. 

Does Moon like Winter, Qibli thought painfully. I whipped my head to him, causing Winter whip his head in Qibli's direction too. 

Does this girl like Qibli, Winter thought. 

Why am I so jealous, they both thought, causing me to giggle. They looked at me and smiled. it's getting a little creepy. 

"Who are you?" Winter snapped, causing me to jump at his sharp voice. Qibli frowned at Winter then looked at me apologetically. 

Geez, for someone who says I'm beautiful, he has a funny way of showing that he likes me, I thought bitterly. "Uh, my name is Moonwatcher, er, Moon for short," I introduced. 

Moon? That's a pretty name, Winter thought fondly. "What do you want, Moonwatcher?" Winter growled. 

"" I stammered. 

"Stop being so cold," Qibli snapped at Winter. He then turned to me and grinned, "get it? Because is his name is Winter? I know, I'm hilarious." I snickered a bit then looked at my hands. 

"You dare talk like that to a prince?!" Winter gasped. Who does this commoner think he is, Winter thought. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry your majesty," Qibli apologized, but the way he said it sounded like he was mocking Winter. Is this funny? Oh, I hope it's funny, Qibli thought. 

It's VERY funny, I thought, chuckling. 

Oh thank the moons that it's funny, Qibli thought, smiling. 

"Stop mocking me, half breed," hissed Winter. Qibli stiffened for a bit then stopped talking. Winter didn't seem to be bothered by his sentence, but Qibli defiantly didn't like it. 

However, surprisingly, Qibli said, "Alright, alright, sorry. I was just making a joke. If you don't like it then it won't happen again." Just please...don't ever say half-breed again. 

He just...let it go, I thought. Woah. "So, um, I'm here to ask a few questions like what's your name and who you are-"

"No," Winter growled, interrupting me. My smile turned into a frown in an instant. I nodded and turned around. 

"'m sorry to bother you," I whispered. I walked down the steps, little tears escaped my eyes as I walked away. 

Did I hurt her, Winter thought. 

I can't believe Winter said that, Qibli thought, growling. "Winter! What the moons?!" he hissed. Winter didn't say anything, instead, I heard the door open and close. Growling, I pushed past my sadness and my fear and walked into my car.

"Agh! What were you thinking, Moon?!" I scolded myself. "Why did you ever think that you could interview superheroes?!" I jumped at the noise of someone tapping the car window. I turned and saw Qibli smiling apologetically. I lowered the window and Qibli leaned against the door. 

"I'm so sorry about that," Qibli apologized. "I don't know him very well but I do know that Winter isn't always that cold," he explained. At least I hope he isn't, he thought. 

"It's fine," I sighed. "This happens all the time..." 

"I thought you said it was your first assignment," Qibli stated. 

"It is! But this happens to reporters all the time," I said. Qibli nodded then looked down. 

"Hey, I'll help you with your interview if you want," offered Qibli. I looked at him with hope in my eyes. 


"Of course! Just name the time and place," Qibli smiled. 

"Tomorrow? 8:00 am?" 

"I'll be there." 

"Thank you, again," I beamed. 

"No problem," Qibli smirked. "See you then!" 

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