Chapter 3

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Hogwarts Express pt.2


Aurora leaves her train car to find her twin after finally overcoming the shock of the past situation. She finds her twin in a new compartment waving her wand, fixing one of the two boy's glasses.

"Hermione, there you are! I see you've already got yourself a boyfriend." Aurora laughs, "It's a shame, glasses boy over there is kinda cute. Too bad he's absolutely in love with you."

"I, um, I don't like her in that way. Just so you know." Harry meekly remarks, rubbing the back of his neck. A faint blush makes its way to his cheeks.

Aurora winks at him and quickly turns back to her twin and smirks, "Mione, you're being rude. Are you not going to introduce me to your friends?"

"No, I'm not, now go away." Hermione hisses, weakly pushing her sister away. Aurora sticks her tongue out and turns to face the boys.

"Fine, I'll do it myself. Nice to meet you, I'm Aurora, Aurora Granger." The boys share a look of confusion. Hermione rolls her eyes and sighs, "She's my twin sister but unlike your brothers, we're complete opposites."

"Brothers?" Ron finally questions.

"Fred and George, you know, the gits who constantly flirt?" Hermione retorts. Ron looks up at her with a look of surprise.

"You know my brothers??" He asks, dumbstruck.

Aurora nods quickly, "Yep! They're quite tall, aren't they?"

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Harry and Ron went into their own conversation, every so often looking at the twins. Aurora caught bits and pieces of their conversation as she had nothing else to do, something about Harry fancying someone.

Hermione and Aurora decided to leave the compartment to let the boys change into their robes and to get their luggage. They waved Harry and Ron goodbye when Hermione pointed out a smudge of dirt on Ron's nose. Ron turned as red as his hair, making Aurora smile apologetically and exit the compartment.


Hermione stepped off the train not waiting around for Aurora to follow her.

As to why Aurora did not follow her sister, the well-known red-headed twins stepped in front of Aurora, blocking the exit. They crossed their arms over their chests, smirking, waiting until she attempted to make a move. After a while of having a staring contest, Aurora huffed, trying to push through, they just grabbed her waist, holding her back from leaving.

"Thought you could ignore us before-

"-You should've known better darling." The twins spoke, finishing each other's sentences.

Aurora sighed and scowled until she caught sight of the two boys from Hermione's compartment. She turned to them and shouted,

"Oi, younger Weasley! Can you help me, your brothers are being a pain in my arse."

Ron looked around before pointing at himself mouthing 'me?'. Aurora nodded, waving him over, Harry following Ron. With that, Fred and George playfully frowned. Shaming Aurora for bringing their brother into the situation. Aurora just rolled her eyes, sticking her middle fingers in their faces.

Ron told the twins to let Aurora through, as he and Harry had to get off the train as well. Fred and George stepped aside, waving the trio through the door. Fred winked at Aurora and told her that the conversation wasn't over. Aurora just stuck her tongue out and smirked as she hopped off the train.

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