I've Returned

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>>>Hello!!! I'm SOOOO sorry for the long wait, I've been extremely busy with school lately and couldn't update. But I hope you enjoy!!! (I also forgot who all requested to be a host, so if you did, can you just DM me or comment so here? I'd appreciate it SO much!)<<<

E: Welcome back!!! 

Lia: I'm surprised that the readers actually still read this even though the last update was more than a month ago

E: And I'm surprised that you still haven't learned any manners 

Lia: Touché

E: But anyway, let's move on! (A/N Smoothest transition ever 😌)

Coco: The first dare is from Sunlight1007 and it says for E to explode someone

Misty: O_o

Dawn: Is that even safe?

E: Definitely ~w~

*Fourth wall breaks*

Lou: Most definitely ~w~

Misty: Who are we going to explode?

E: Great question! I'm going to put everyone's names into a randomizer and whoever it picks will be the lucky contestant!

May: That seems fair enough

E: *nods* 


E: Anddddd it's... Paul!

Paul: *rolls eyes* Whatever, let's just it over with

E: That's the spirit! I recommend for everyone to stand back, for this could... well... hurt 

Everyone: *stands back*

E: Ok! 3!

Lou: 2!

Bonnie: 1!

Coco: GO!

E: *snaps finger*

Paul: *explodes*

Everyone: *speechless*

Drew: That was interesting...

E: *heals Paul* 

Amythest: Do we have any more dares?

E: Yes but no. I can't find all the comments with dares so we kinda can't do any right now '^^ (A/N If you commented some dares/truths recently, could you maybe re-comment them? I'm sorry if this a hassle of any sort, but it'll just make it much easier for me if you all could do so. Thank you!)

Skye: Guess that's the end then

E: Yeah '^^ 

Lou: Bye!!!

E: Bye!!!!

>>>I hope this wasn't too bad. It's almost the end of the school year, so I should be back on Wattpad more frequently. Anyway, bye!!! (Also, thank you guys SO much for 10k!!! I love you all SO much!!!!❤️)<<<

- E out

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